Well, I've had the liberty of spending a lot of time thinking about it, researching it, and of course, doing it.
I didn't get 'the pirate' on the end of my name by being good with boats. LOL
there is some crediance to what you say though. typing super fast, and being able to write killer code are things that every hacker dreams of.
but really, it starts out much MUCH simpler than that.
in fact, most of the hackers I know, I'd say that a good 95% of them got their start with computer games.
You'd get a game, and it wouldn't work. so you'd have to fix the system inorder to make it run. sometimes it was your fault, and sometimes it was the overprotectiveness of the copyright protection programs.
from there, you had to learn how to get by their security, so the game you payed for would actually work right.
beyond that, it's just a hop skip and a jump to using thoes exact same skills to getting programs you didn't pay for to run.
and then one step removed from that, to getting the programs you didn't pay for, to run in interesting ways.
it's a slow dance, but it's got a rythem that sticks in your head forever.
-RuskiFace the Pirate