james blackhawk, a computer wiz of the smartest, hot shit, right? did not even know what he was geting into when he sighed up for a mini computer corp. Its name "Data dye" it was a job and traning was free, not that he need it, he spent most to his child hood with otaku on the street when he was not at school, it funny he did not become one him self. The corp was falling in the stock. It mini corp hired him to move info on the net to one place to another and he did it well, he was trusted, got payed well most of all he was doing small time stuff on the side, then the day came.
his boss walked down the hallway the walls allmost bent around him as he walked, james sat there about to jack in to move some data to one place,
"James, give me you roster for data, i got something new for you to move, meet this guy here his name is mr.johnson. hes got a job for you." his boss gave him a black card that on it had, "Henti loven"
"What job." james looked at the overly fat boss.
"just go and do it, dont ask me, ask him. you the best cowboy we have." the boss move his body out the door.
james sat there thining to him self, could this be it, am I going to work for the shadows.
jame show up at the "henti loven" it had a black out side, but when you walked in it be came a sex drive of led lights and henti movies mixed in with rock bands for the 80s. at the back of the club a man sat, his red suit with green pin strips and was human, but his troll body gards is what made you fell a little wired,
"sit" said mr.johnson " you want any thing."
"no" james said
"now i here you data dyes best computer cowboy."
"yes, well i think so."
"good, i have a job for you, i see you been doing a lot of side stuff for your self my contacts been staying a kids been do small time runs for small time money, do you want to run with the big dogs."
"yes" james eyes biger then baseballs
"you get 2000yen up front and 2000yen after, it a simple run, i need you to get some data form some body, and move it to a england corp called "green life" you need to pick up this data form a data haven in seattle called "funky monkey" you need to hack it. can you do it."
james looked at the man and thought, it was like he was going to bust a brain cell thinking about it.
"time frame" james said coming back to life after thinking so hard.
"you have a month."
"good i'll do."
"vary well" mr.johnson had a wird look in his eye.