Tim Burton's 'TheCorpse Bride' is a touching family story about necrophelia.

I would say just kidding, but Tim Burton needs to dial back the meds some. I understand that he's made a career of being weird and quirky... but still. Doesn't he creep out anyone else?
Wedding Crashers wasn't a movie I expected to like. I think that both Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson are funny, but I don't really think of them when I think of comedy duos.
That aside, I laughed out loud several times in this movie (not something that happens to me very often) Vaughn and Wilson are as mis-matched as you would expect, but they play brilliantly off each other.
They play two divorce mediators, best friends, who crash weddings as a hobby. They enjoy the food, the music, dancing, and most of all: the women. Bridesmaids and distant relatives so giddy over the thought of love that they'll throw themselves at anyone just to feel some of it.
These friends have been doing this for a while, and are at the top of thier game, using rules passed to them by Chazz, some unknown figure who created the rules of wedding crashing. But what happens when something changes everything? What happens when one of them wants something more than just crashing weddings?
It's a good movie. I think you would enjoy it, Gabe.