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Author Topic: Jungle Love  (Read 5625 times)


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Jungle Love
« on: February 16, 2006, 03:07:04 PM »

  We started a run where we were dropped into the Congo (dark heart of africa, anyone?) to rescue a scientist. Time was of the essence, so we were given three days to prepare and $100,000 to buy supplies. Now, not wanting to go in blind, we spent most of the $100,000 on information and some linguasofts so we would be able to communicate if we came across any non-hostiles we needed to talk to. We ended up stealing a truck to steal most of our supplies (ammo, camping gear and the like) and we planned to steal a brand new jeep rubicon from the dealership in downtown seattle.
   This is where things got funny, because we walked into the dealership, showed them our fake ID credstick, and they let us take one for a test drive on the 'range.' My character (a skillman- most like a face in our group) convinced the salesman that I mostly wanted it for show, and wanted to see how it handled on the city streets, so he let us take it out on a drive. The physad knocked him out, and we figured out that the GPS on the dash was set up to notify lonestar where and when we left a certain perimeter, or if we stopped for too long, so we kept driving around.
   Eventually, one of us got the bright idea to short out the GPS circuit, so we drove around until we found a laundromat (with the necessary amperage to short out the shielding on the case protecting the computer), pulled up to the front of it, and started tearing the dryer out to get to the power cable. No one in the laundromat was brave enough to stop us, so we rocked the dryer back and forth, tearing at its security bolts to get it away from the wall (for the first time in a long time, no one had ended up playing a troll, so us bunch of humans had to rip it out.) By the time we finally got the dryer loose and had gotten the power cord free to fry the chip, we could hear lonestar, sirens blazing, on thier way. We fried the chip, gave the car a push-start (we accidently fried all the other electrcal additions too, like the mapquest screen, the decker plug, the seat warmers and everything like that, but the car still ran- barely) We drove the car a couple of blocks, and it died, so we dug into our contacts to have someone tow it and fix it up. (Needed a new alternator and battery after our little episode)
   Once that was done, we were pretty much ready to go- we told the J we had everything together, and he put us on a cargo aircraft headed africa-way. We changed planes once (I'm not sure where) and then when we were over the congo, going on 28 hours later, they pushed us out the back with parachutes strapped to us (not a one of us knew how to use a parachute, so they rigged up a drop system so we wouldn't splat.) In addition to US getting dropped by parachute, they stuck all of our supplies and jeep in a box and put a parachute on that too, and dropped us into the jungle for a nighttime skydive.
   Now, because we had no training with parachutes, (and this was my first drop), we spread out all over the place, with no way to control where we landed. I was luck enough to land near the crate, so I worked on getting it on the ground and upright while I waited for the other runners to find me. They actually did a pretty good job of tracking each other down and finding me, so after the better part of a day (and around ten miles of jungle later) it was getting dark again, and we pried open the box and slept inside of it. We even remembered to close the lid, because I had been attacked by a monkey while I was using a lever to upright the box so we could get into it. So I was in no mood for more wildlife encounters.
  In the morning, we used some of our water, got the jeep out of the cargo crate, and (we wisely had included a complete vehicle shop, so we could repair it in the event that it was damaged in the fall- and I had the skills to fix it, so in a few hours, we were on our way. We spent most of that day working our way through the jungle to the road, and stopped about a hundred feet shy of the road when the sun went down. We all set up our little tents, and were sleeping peacefully when a dire gorilla stumbled on the camp and attacked the guy whose turn it was to act as sentry.
   He woke the rest of us up, and we had a brief (but painful fight) taking this thing out. Our mage healed everyone he could, and then we let him sleep off the drain and we watched the road. We knew where we had to go to get to the military camp, and we knew how to get there, so once the mage woke up, we got into our jeep and scouted our exit route- the way was pretty much clear to the Exit Zone, where we would have to wait to be picked up by a returning cargo ship in four days time, with or without the scientist. Of course, if the target zone was hot (or if we had been followed) we would have been left to rot.
  So we scouted out our exit route, and then traded some gasoline to a small place where a doctor had some supplies- he didn't know where the army base was (we did) but he did know it was in the region. We got some supplies from him, and then headed out to scout out the enemy camp. (Oh, as an aside, we had been offered half a million each to take out the general in charge of this place, who had shot down the plane of the scientist we were trying to rescue, and generally an instability in the region)
  The army had set up a roadblock on the offshoot of the main road toward thier base, with two jeeps. We weren't really sure what to do, because they spotted us as we came over the hill, so our driver (a fully trained UCAS sniper who is currently listed in thier records as MIA/Presumed Dead), drove our jeep directly into thier roadblock, and our mage (gecko shaman with a pechant for fire) and physad (based off of Dante from the Devil May Cry video games), hopped out and took out all eight of the soldiers in the roadblock. Problem was, our jeep was wrecked, and so was one of thiers, fixed the other one up enough to drive, and loaded as much of our supplies as possible into the new transports. We set off down the road toward the army base, and got there around dark. We camped out in the dark, and watched the base. The next morning, bright and early, the general put his troops out on a parade inspection, and spent the better part of four hours looking over thier weapons and vehicles (and tanks).
   It was too good of an opportunity to pass up, so the sniper took him out with a single shot while Dante and I snuck closer to the gate. Once the chaos inside the camp was in full swing, and they started sending out troops to find the mystery sniper, Dante and I walked into the base- and directly into a group of ten soldiers who were patrolling, headed toward the gate to find the sniper on foot. After a brief gunfight, (in which I took one box less than serious damage, and Dante took moderate damage) we escaped, and that was where the run left off.
   The sniper and mage continued for a little bit, and they managed to get away from the jeeps and tanks looking for them by torching the jeep that Dante and I had ridden in. They hid the jeep in some bushes, and finished there as well.
   So after almost six months of waiting, that was where we took back up the run.
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
2) Shoot More
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                                 -Samus Bravo
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Re:Jungle Love
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2006, 03:19:27 PM »

That's pretty much how I remember it.

there were a couple of smaller encounters you left out, but for the most part... yea.

-RuskiFace the Pirate
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Re:Jungle Love
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2006, 03:37:31 PM »

Which encounters did I leave out? I even included that the monkey attacked me while I was waiting for the other runners to find me and the crate.

"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
2) Shoot More
3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
                                 -Samus Bravo
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Re:Jungle Love
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2006, 03:44:10 PM »

I was thinking of where you got into a shootout stealing the first truck, the time you jacked the freto-lea van and then decided you didn't need it, the scorpions, a couple of other little encounters with jungle critters, the shootout with loan-star as you were leaving the sport shop with your truck half loaded with stolen goods... and... hmm... i guess thoes were the main ones i was thinking about from that part of the adventure.

-RuskiFace the GM
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Re:Jungle Love
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2006, 03:49:44 PM »

The scorpions one never happened- remember, we closed the box after we decided to sleep in there?

As for the frito-lay truck, that was mostly a reference to another adventure of ours (one that hadn't been posted on here), and it wasn't really all that pertient to the adventure.

Oh, I did forget about the lonestar shootout after we stole all our supplies from SportsMart. That one I forgot.

"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
2) Shoot More
3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
                                 -Samus Bravo
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Re:Jungle Love
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2006, 10:50:20 AM »

You forgot the 'encounter' when we borrowed the owner of 'unique trucks' personal vehicle.   ;)

The box truck we stole ended up being on grid power, so I think that's why we ditched it.... and we ran into the start at the laudromat too...

I guess someone decided to call them, after we humped the dryer off it's mounts so we could short out the jeep with dealer tags on... and then we had to wait for a tow truck.
Diplomicy is like saying "Nice Doggy" while you're looking for a rock.


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Re:Jungle Love
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2006, 07:49:30 AM »

Many things about that run were... well planned.

-RuskiFace the Pirate
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Re:Jungle Love
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2006, 05:02:22 PM »

Anyway, after hiding in a broom closet for a while, Dante and Rusty finally got up the courage to stick thier heads out the door and see if anyone was still looking for them.

Seeing as how the general was dead, this place had problems of it's own, so they weren't actively looking for us as much as running around like a bee hive that's been kicked.

We snuck through the building, keeping out of everyone's way, and worked toward the compound we needed to get into (this military compound was divided into camps, each camp seperated by chain link and razor wire), and ran smack dab into a jeep patrol looking for us.

Apparently they hadn't given up as easily as we had hoped.

We fought, dove into the nearest building (still on the wrong side of the fence we needed to cross), and sprinted diagonally across the cafeteria to the furthest door, hoping they would either stop to follow up through that door, or at least circle around the building.

Dante stopped to try and pick up a bigger gun- something that we could take out the jeep with, but there were two 11 year old kids. Rusty continued to the other door, and Dante stopped to beat up the 'witnesses,' and then followed Rusty to the door, who determined that the jeep was trying to follow them around the building.

The 11 year old cooks fired an old rifle at Dante, which only made him more mad, so he beats the tar out of them, while Rusty is peeking his head out the door. Once it's clear we go back outside.

So we were out of the building, and then doubled back to the fence we needed to cross. Dante got across it easily- Rusty, on the other hand, didn't have any adept powers, and got climbing the fence by the guy who were chasing us. Dante started shooting, and Rusty dumped himself over the other side, taking another light wound.

We continued running from the guys in the jeep, sprinting into the camp we needed to be in (to rescue the scientist), and lost the jeep around the corner of a building. After a few minutes of sneaking around, running building to building, we finally find where the scientist is being held. The guy is sitting in a cell, next to two corpses, and he's nto far from a corpse himself. Malnourishment is pretty close to doing him in, and so I'm supporting him as Dante is fighting whoever we come across, and we're sneaking from building to building.

Around this time, we get word to the sniper and mage, who wind thier way back toward the camp, coming most of the way on foot.

The sniper hid out in some thick bushes, and the mage set up on a hill with a set of binoculars. About this time, Dante and I were feeling pretty good about ourselves. Not had we gotten in without getting killed, but we had managed to grab the scientist.

We had snuck through enough buildings to be close to the fences between camps, and without thinking, we walked out and directly into a patrol. Dante, moving as quick as he can (which is pretty fraggin fast) booted me out the door and slammed it behind me. This caught everyone by suprise, including me, and I dove through the crappy door, dragging the scientist along behind me. Dante was standing there when they started firing, and took a moderate wound, which made me feel a little better. We ran down the hall, hiding in the first room, trying to find some cover. I grabbed an AK-98 and watched the door while Dante tore up the roof, trying to find us another exit through the cheap steel roof they had bolted on these buildings. Come to think of it, the buildings weren't much more than piles of cinderblocks, so 'cheap' might have been the whole motif.

The troops caught up with us as Dante peeled the rusted steel back, and I unloaded a clip keeping them back. We switched, and I dragged the scientist up onto the roof while Dante gave us some cover fire, and I help support the scientist while we made our way to the edge of the roof. Dante had polished off all the troops inside, and climbed out onto the roof around the same time that the troops outside the building figured out what we were up to. They shot at him some, missing a lot, and he tried to step on the walls without falling through the roof, which he also missed. I reached out and dragged him over the edge, and we ran toward the gate, supporting the scientist between us.

There were a few guys at the gate, but by this point we weren't interested in being quiet or subtle or in keeping them alive, so we unloaded on them and bolted through the gate...
« Last Edit: April 25, 2006, 05:55:44 PM by Kid_Vid »
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
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Re:Jungle Love
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2006, 06:00:13 PM »

And found the fields in front of the compound filled with tanks and jeeps, circling and searching for the sniper and mage they knew were still out there.

The sniper instructed us to lie down somewhere and hide, and we found some long grass and did so, and then he started shooting jeep drivers and anyone else exposed. It wasn't long before everyone with thier head sticking out was panicking, and looking out more for thier own asses than they were at us.

This gave us an opportunity to make it into the trees and meet up with our fellow runners. We found our jeep, up to the axle in mud, and left it, taking what supplies we could and hiking back to our original jeep. We drove that to the extraction point, waited our time, and got home.

For once, it was a quiet endgame. We got paid, no fuss no foul.
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
2) Shoot More
3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
                                 -Samus Bravo
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Re:Jungle Love
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2006, 11:38:49 AM »

actually, they were saved by running out of time to play.
I was going to run the extraction hot, and if their ride got shot down, they'd have to walk out of the congo.

but, it was close enough to the end that I didn't want to drag it out to another whole adventure, and decided to (for once) go easy on them LOL

-RuskiFace the Pirate
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