really, the first thing to do, whenever you start to have system problems, is back up all your really important things.
(like, taxes and your resume, perhaps some multi-billion dollar project you are working on)
then, back up your semi-important things.
wedding photos, that book that you've been writing for a couple of years, and your parrent's taxes.
then back up the things that would be a pain to replace, should they get lost.
like all of your stolen MP3's, that shadowrun charichter your wrote up forever ago, and the save-game files for whatever games you are currently working on.
that's just in case, in the course of 'tweaking' everything, should something go wrong,... like it sometimes does... you'll be able to go back and not lose any data.
and, if everything goes fine, you'll have a nice archive of everything important, should things go wrong later.
once you've got that far, I could walk you through most of the process of working on thoes things, as well as 'obtaining' copies of programs you'll need to do some of the repairs.