Well, at one point, it is stated that Trideo is like an optical illusion version of a hologram. That is to say that it is not a true three dimensional construct like R2D-2 spits out, but more like looking at a parabolic mirror and seeing the image "floating" above it.
Dispite this, however, there seems to be a bit of an assumption for many SR writers taht trideo is, indeed a true 3-D image. So as far as your game goes, you can probably use whatever defenition you prefer to use. That is to say, whatever flavor you like to your games, use it. Just remember that as of 3rd Edition (and since I think the 4th Ed. setting sucks troll scholng I haven't gotten very much into it) you can't have free-standing, ambulatory holograms. So no copying Total Recal with a holographic "you." This, I believe, is the reason Trideo has alwys been left in the dark, so to speak.
And speaking from a completely consumer-driven point of view, once simsense came along, no one raaly developped TV much further. You want a more realistic experince than trid? Just plug in the datajack and you can BE Neal the Orc Barbarian of Karl Kombatmage, who the frag needs a hologram for that?