So we drove into Redmond, around broken burned-out husks of cars, and over the broken concrete retaining walls, going into the worst part of the world I've ever seen. And I'm from LA, so that's saying something.
So we get into this place, and it's not even noon yet. So I pull into the little alleyway between the two buildings, and park my van, and kick everyone out so they can scout out the area, look for possible sniper locations, and I can sit down and summon a little fire elemental- nothing huge, just something big enough to halp me out of a jam.
So after that's all done, I walk out, and the only person who's managed to get on the roof (where we're supposed to meet these Red Cape jokers) is the cat-guy who was freaking out about my van being messy. He's up there by himself, and the big orkish guy wandered off to look at a watertower he thought might be a pretty good sniper nest, so Hexx and I wandered around looking for anything that might cause trouble on our meet. We find a door to the basement that looks suspisciously well-kept, and I pull out my streetline special and my flashlight while he opens the door. I figured that maybe there was a bomb down there or something, so we stomp down into this basement to find out that one of the pipes burst, and the basement is about thigh deep in stagnant water. I can't even describe what it smelled like to you, other than to say it was something close to a rotting cat dipped in rancid oil. It was happy like that. But instead of going back, Hexx wanders deeper into this place, and I'm following right behind him, keeping an eye on his back.
We come around a corner, and face to face with half a dozen ghouls. I've met one or two ghouls who were cool, but these weren't those kind. These were the dead-eyes slobbering eat your brains kind, the ones you see on those cheap trid movies.
Hexx laid into them with his shotgun, which suprisingly, did almost nothing. He looked at me and shrugged, popping his claws out while the rest of them advanced forward. I popped one of them a couple of times, and when that didn't seem to be working, I summoned some mojo and blasted it. That seemed to work a lot better, so I started slamming these things with spells while Hexx cut them apart with his spurs and monofilament whip. His monofilament whip, humerously enough, is contained in his middle finger, rather than his first finger, like I've seen before.