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Author Topic: AVP Requiem  (Read 1729 times)


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AVP Requiem
« on: April 24, 2008, 08:44:59 AM »

I bought Aliens Versus Predator Requiem recently as im a huge fan of the aliens and Predator series.. I hated the last AVP movie as it was an abomination against both series and creation itself. This one wasnt much better. it started good and strong picking up where the last one left off, predator corpse with alien inside flying away and it breaks out, kills crew causing them to crash. the story line goes down with the ship as well. one predator remains alive and sends off a distress beacon to its home world, which is odd since most the stories i read make note of them being a nomadic race mainly living on their ships in tight woven clan structures..

Oh well, assume its some special case for when someone screws up bad. that makes sense. Well.. until you consider that in the past the moment a predator is in trouble the first thing he does is activate their wrist bomb and wipe everything around out. From here they start introducing characters your suppose to develop attachment to, but are so one dimensional and stereotyped you just find yourself wondering how meat bag one is gonna die. The movie continues to stumble along focusing on the people your suppose to like, but just keep going, "Just die already damn it!" while occasionally showing you a bit of alien or predator, One thing they did do right is not throwing the monster into your face immediatly, they kept that little Alien shadowing so you get some kinda view but not a whole lot of it so your kept wondering, they keep this up all the way to the end so you never get to actualy see it in a good view.

The story continues, predator is wiping out anybody it sees with a gun and on occasion fights an alien or two, and we find that predaliens are like queens, but they dont lay eggs, they just give you a big kiss and start pumping little aliens down your throat which pop out the normal human/xeno hybrid alien later. Oh, it also eats babies. cause evidently they didnt think predator/alien hybrid was evil enough. National guard gets slaughtered, but civilians who have never picked up an assault rifle in their life can use them perfectly, goverment lures civilians to center of city and nuke the place (not regular fire bombing, but nuclear holocaust in  a full mushroom cloud and everything claiming the local nuke power plant over loaded and rather then chernobyling, hiroshimaed. in the middle of the town rather then at the power plant on the outskirts of town.. (kinda like resident evil apocolypse)

Group of generic people escape with one of the predators plasma cannons which the goverment takes, and rather then keep to work on themselves gives to a ms Yutani for her company to research. this suppose to be some connection to the alien vs predator games, for which they should have their kneecaps broken. they should never even be allowed to look upon the games ever.. the referance being that in the first AVP game a group of predators is caught by the Weyland Yutani corperation which makes and researches military arms and what not.

It seemed to start good, but fizzled to little more then a big gorefest movie with excess amounts of "Spooky", which shouldnt be confused with "Boo!" Its kinda like they didnt really bother watching the original movie series, reading the books, or any other background research on the two species, or the human species for that matter.. What makes it so bad is it had potential, they started off good, but quickly went the way of quick thrill and what not.. IF you wanna see the movie i say find some really cheap rental place like those little automated rental boxes some stores got, or trick a friend into buying the movie and watch it with 'em... or of course show your complete distain for it and look away as the pirating fairie buries its loot on your HD.

And now that i've posted, watch as the board goes blank for another 2-3 weeks! Behold!!!!
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Re: AVP Requiem
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2008, 12:25:16 PM »

Hey, I can post about this, too!

Actually, I liked this one a lot better than the first AVP. In fact, I'm not alone in hating the first AVP movie. The directors of AVP: Requiem hated the first movie so much that they put together a presentation on spec (meaning, they weren't going to get paid for it) to convince the studio to let them make another one.

What I liked about this movie was that it combined the sci-fi 'horror' of Alien and the 'gore' of Predator. In Alien movies, you always knew almost everyone was going to die, and in Predator, you always knew it was going to come down to mano-y-mano, with lots of side-gore.

I think the predator 'homeworld' in the movie was a throwback to the alien structure that was investigated in "Alien" (the first one), where the alien was sitting in some sort of radar chair waiting for a signal or something (it wasn't clear in that movie).

One thing that I really liked about this movie was the hospital scene at the end. I agree, the "government nukes all the people" was a little contrived, but I thought I had figured out who was going to live, and then the cute girl the teenage boy was pining for (I figured it'd be a matchup of the guy, his older brother, the cute girl, the military mom, and her daughter) gets totally cacked.

At that point, I started wondering who was going to survive, if any of them. It made the last fifteen minutes really interesting to watch, because I wasn't sure who was going to live.

Oh, and for the record, surviving a nuke at that distance would mean that you would have terminal cancer inside like fifteen minutes. But I thought it was cool that they got the shoulder cannon from the predator. That just begs to be made into a sequel.

I think a third movie (if it ever happened) would be able to follow the comics more closely- you would have space marines who knew what they were getting into, aliens who kill everything, and predators who now have TWO enemies who can kill them. Since Predators need to be taken down a rung, in my opinion.

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Re: AVP Requiem
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2008, 05:24:10 PM »

I found this one comic somewhere.. obscure as hell.. its AVP, but diffrent.. takes place after a Maxx unit, for those that dont know a maxx is a giant robotic suit used to wipe out alien hives, huge as all hell, armor plated with spidersilk armor thats immune to alien blood, orbital cannon rounds, and what not all else. only downside is the person wearing it is constantly asleep since to use it properly they pump you so full of drugs your a couple thousand ways past psycotic. they tend to do things like rip through the walls of alien hives and pull the arms and legs off the queens then step on their heads and all. not nice things. basic weapons includ shoulder mounted plasma cannons, not little pred sized ones, but tank mounted, and dual wrist gatlings so your spraying a whole lot of lead...

Takes place just after the team wipes out an alien hive. preds land and start hunting for aliens to find it wiped out. catch the humans thinking its going to be an amazing hunt cause they killed a whole hive. then get dissapointed as they all die quickly. remaining guy activates the maxx (aka berserker) which proceeds to wipe out the preds like a rhino through toddlers. first attacking their ship tearing it apart, then blasting and tracking them through the area.

 2 best parts imo. at one point one pred jumps on the things back and arms its bomb cause their weapons arent doing a thing at all. kinda like preds in modern day against us, preds watch it all noble like cause thats just a great sacrifice... then BOOM. couple panels of smoke and flames then the max stomps out hosing down two preds with so much lead theres nothing more then paste left... Second best is the ending, so dont scroll down enless you want a spoiler.. dont know how to do that fancy spoiler click thing..

the comic ends by the preds managing to finally kill it using everything they got on its weak points and prying open the cock pit to find a shriveld little hunk of a human with no arms, legs, and not much of a torso, screaming and trying to bite them. nobody notices a small counter winding down inside, the little creep starts laughing then planet sized BOOM. For uninhabited planets the suit tends to come with Planet Cracker Nukes.. which are called that cause they tend to crack planets... it reeks so much of how the predator story usually goes, but all turned around its great. hard to find and i cant even really remember the name... but if anybody can put a lock on it or anything would greatly appreciate...
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Re: AVP Requiem
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2008, 07:21:45 PM »

That actually sounds pretty freaking cool.

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Re: AVP Requiem
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2008, 09:56:57 PM »

it was, at the end it shows a couple military guys watching talking about how at least now they know how well it will work against Them, and to bad it didnt wipe them all out, the weapons and equipment they got would have made it all worth it and what not. final panel was the remains of the planet in space zooms in on the burnt remains of the suit (not only ground zero, containing the bomb) clutching crumpled predator mask in hand.
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Re: AVP Requiem
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2008, 04:52:10 AM »

well, I haven't seen this one yet. I've heard plenty of bad things about it. so I'll wait for it to come on one of the movie channels.
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Re: AVP Requiem
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2008, 07:00:20 AM »

to be fair, it did have its points. unfortinatly imo, it didnt have enough to balance out the bad. it also had little things that made the fans of the series grind their teeth... like how only some of the aliens had acid blood... others when shot and explode their blood does nothing to the vehicles or other material objects, sprays the predator no effect, ect. human gets half a drop on them it melts them into a pile of goop. and no, im not mistaking that with the blue melty stuff the predator had.

but yeah, movie channel is a safe bet, or like i said, trick a friend into renting or buying it;3 maybe netflix it if you need a filler.
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