Eh, you ever look at the multiplier on the Counterfeit utility? It's 8, that's a LOT. Certified cred however is deeply encrypted though.
The way Matrix rules in 3rd edition were described made everything sound way more complex than perhaps it's given credit. I mean, if we knew exactly how much a megapulse is (which we shouldn't since its an abstraction) you can consider that it's just a wonder that a person doesn't need the aid of their machine just to get anything done at all.
The game always implied that you have to upload your programs to your icon in the system, this basically represents your bandwidth/processing usage. This is why you can't "deck" someone's desktop computer, because it doesn't have the processing power to actually handle an icon's programs. Now, reverse that and consider that a Red-8 host is going to do everything in it's collective power to stop you from doing what you want. This is millions of megapulses of processing power dedicating itself from stopping you. Now, sure, if you're significantly godlike enough at decking, you could break through the system, but in the end, you're gonna want help from your own personal super-computer to break those memory address algorithms stopping your attack programs and some extra hardening to keep the blaster IC from nuking the same.
Without an accurate gauge of how much processing is actually going on, it's not really appropriate to use present-day analogue to compare hacking and decking. Which is why I think that Fanpro is full of crap. It's like saying "Well, we don't need nuclear weapons anymore" Five years later, are all the nukes gone? Nope.