Case and point. Captain North is in and out too.
A little late, But hey. Just goes to prove you cant Cap the Capt.
Shoot me, zap me with magic, have phys-ads rearrange the structure of my body using large lead pipes, set me on fire and blow me up, and i still come back the monster outta a bad trid that the corps wont stop milking cause some where out there theres a burnt out beetle boy who just keeps buyin them, and with minimal whining about how long it took my face and arm to grow back, or how one shoulder is now an inch and a half higher then the other one.
Howdy ho Runner-inos!
After having to lie-low after a rather bad accident that caused a rather big, (And i'd have to say pretty, all those toxic chems burning up real pretty in all sorts of good colors and cool looking smoke..) fire involving some good home made C4 (Which, the rumors are true, if you give flaming C4 a good strom impact it can, and will blow up..) a vampire nest, and an old corpo bio/chemical warfare bunker.. well, lets just say the heat was on and i gotta take a tour of the world.... hooked up to a makeshift BTL station in an undisclosed bomb shelter built back in the world war 2 days... The places where i had to jam and staple the wires into my head are still a little sore...
Anyways... Its good to see there are still so many of the Old-timers stomping around sticking it to "The Man" to get pay checks from "The Other Man"!!