Hey, I have a group of newer runners that I'm trying to teach the rules too, and... well, it's hard to keep track of everything for every possibility. This last time, I had guys wanting to play a mage and a decker, and while I had done magic with them before, this is one of those guys who needs to know all the rules so that he can min-max his character. If I don't teach him all the rules, he thinks everything I haven't taught him is a huge loophole, and looks to exploit it.
I have a handle on magic, but with this guy, I need a distilled rulesheet- some sort of cheatsheet for magic. Gabe sent me one that had all the spells, and that's a big help, but I was curious if anyone had something for summoning (stats for the spirits, and all that).
As for the guy who wanted to play a decker, I just had to tell him no. We were already sitting down to play, and if he had mentioned it before then, I would have thrown him a rulebook and told him to read it over and then I would talk over the rules with him. But he ended up playing a street sam instead. I'm okay with that. Does anyone have a cheat sheet for decking (and the matrix in general)? I don't need to know the stuff for programming or burning chips, just the basic programs, what programs help with what, and what to roll.
I appreciate it, chummers. Oh, and this is all for 3rd edition, by the way. I already have cheat sheets for 4th edition, but they don't help me so much here.