I did, it was pretty awesome, though, i had the PS3 version, and evidently bethseda hates the PS3 as it was buggy as all hell, and is getting no extra content or anything from them.. doing the G.O.A.T tests the game froze on me 5 times before working proper, and froze up another 10 more in general play..
My big complaints are it feels to much like playing Oblivion with guns.. Its a great game, and its fun, (its missing the pop culture referances that one and 2 had which makes me sad), but the entire time i keep expecting an elf or redguard to pop out..doesnt help they used all the same voices from Oblivion more or less. and another is how slow you move!!! You walk like ou have two cyber zombie trolls holding onto your ankles being dragged! And you never get any faster! You get slower when you wear heavy armor and carry heavy weapons, or get your legs injured. The problems with this is it means you cannot run from combat. At all. all the NPCs, enemies, and whatever all move faster then you. so all you can do is stand and fight.
this becomes a real problem of "ladeda im walking through the wastes to find this town.." in traveling as it takes forever to walk somewhere new. Fast travel doesnt help enless you've been there, and FT has its own problems.. you cant use it if combat is happening, which is cool, i can see that totally.. kinda.. But heres the problem.. If you go to some random outpost in hopes of getting to point B faster there is a chance it can be overrun by the raiders you killed last time (respawns, which is cool.. except here...) but, rather then place you on the outside of the space, they put you right in the middle of the group as if you had been there the whole time.. The problem witht his is there are usually about 7 people with guns. not to bad.. if you dont mind dying and restarting. later on, bit worse, they get things like rocket launchers, but dont hesitate to use them at close range.. like, point blank. and, the best is on rare occasion.. they might have a fat man.. a micro nuke launcher. the problem is the NPCs have no sense of self preservation, i've seen people throw grenades at me, then charge, only to get caught by their own grenades. and like said, rocket launcher point blank.
I've forgotten most of what i had to say as the power ent out nearly 6 hours ago.. so i migth add more later, but as stands, i'd say.. 7.5 outta 10. good game, and some good replayability, but the flaws are pretty big and bad.