I like that it's roleplaying-heavy, so if two characters have the exact same stats:
Agility d10
Strength d6
Vitality d6
Alertness d8
Intelligence d8
Willpower d6
They can still be completely different:
Black Betty (assets and flaws):
Born Behind the Wheel [Minor] (+2 Step to Agility when driving ship)
Fighting Type [Major] (Take one non-combat action each round without -1 penalty)
Lightning Reflexes [Minor] (+2 step agility for all initiative rolls)
Steady Calm [Minor] (+2 Willpower to avoid being shaken)
Chip on the Shoulder [Major] (-2 step penalty to all actions in tense situation, berserker)
Greedy [Minor] (Greedy greedy – will take almost any opportunity to acquire money)
Hooked (Cigarettes) [Minor] (Addict, -2 step to all attributes for days not getting fix)
Prejudiced [Minor] (Hates Law Enforcement of any kind)
Twitchy [Minor] (-2 step penalty in social situations)
Crazy Ivan (assets and flaws):
Born Behind the Wheel [Minor] (+2 Step to Agility when driving spaceship)
Fighting Type [Major] (Take one non-combat action each round without -1 penalty)
Heavy Tolerance [Minor] (+2 step vitality to resist drugs, alcohol, knock-out gas)
Tough as Nails [Minor] (2 extra life points over normal total)
Chip on the Shoulder [Major] (-2 step penalty to all actions in tense situation, berserker)
Crude [Minor] (-2 step penalty to influence whenever refined social behavior is required)
Prejudiced [Minor] (Hates Law Enforcement of any kind)
Stingy [Minor] (never give up money- beg, bargain, and steal)
Superstitious [Minor] (Minor Omens give -2 or +2 step penalty to all attributes for one action (omens determined by GM))
These two even have similar assets and complications (both are pilots), and they're almost completely different. Betty is a paranoid greedy chain smoker, one who hates feds, and goes into a blind rage when people hit her- she's a hell of a pilot, though, and good to have in a fight, since she keeps her head, and has fast hands. Ivan is a tough, heavy-drinking russian crazy man. He's crude, stingy, superstitious, and hates law enforcement. Even with the exact same stats and skills, these two characters would interact very differently.
That's what I like about Serenity.