Okay, so now everyone has had a chance to see it- what do you think of Iron Man II?
Ingo didn't like it, but other than Pepper Potts, CEO, I liked it. (I don't like it when they make a female character look incompetent- she had been running everything for years- it wouldn't be hard for her to decide 'what would tony do?')
I didn't like that Sam Rockwell's character was a buffoon, either. I mean, he would have to be pretty awesome to compete with Stark Industries, and to have the amount of dumb decisions he made during the course of the movie, that company would have been run into the ground.
I really like Don Cheadle, but I was kinda sad that Terrence Howard got the axe, so I'm not sure how I feel about it until I know more of the story behind that particular decision.
Other than that (I know it's a lot), I enjoyed it. I liked the difference between super-hero fighting (Black Widow vs Hallway of Bad Guys), and normal guy fighting (the bodyguard one-on-one), I thought it was funny that Tony was 'losing control' of the facets between public and private life. I did like that they played up the alcoholic angle, because that was an interesting character flaw, to me. I laughed really hard when he peed in the suit.

And I was happy to see them integrating more of the Avengers stuff, in preparation for the rest of the movies- I've heard good and bad things about Thor, and I'm wondering how good it's going to be. I've reserved judgment until it hits theaters.