First of all, welcome to the Pub!
Okay, so Face characters are a special kind of monster- a troll face is a difficult one to play, especially if your GM is using any of the normal shadowrun biases- anti-metahuman prejudice; especially when people see all trolls as bullet sponges, despite background- difficult, but not impossible to surmount.
I'd recommend a set of knowsofts, specialized software/cyberwear that can give you an edge in any negotiation where you're out of your depth. Everyone wants respect- but you show it differently to a Yakuza oyabun than you would to a mafioso, and both of those are quite different to a gang leader or a corporate suit.
Having the right set of manners for a situation can mean the difference between a deal or a dark hole.
Ingo's right on the money with Templeton Peck. You can also watch the new A-team movie, and get a sense for his role in the group- secondary decision maker, deal maker, information gathering- these are all duties that your face can fulfill in the group, too.
I would second what Ingo said about being willing to roleplay your smoothtalking- no GM wants to hear "I'm going to convince him... ooh, five successes, he totally does what I want!" Ask your GM for clues- ask if he's bored, or has a livefeed of a local sports team- asking a guard something like 'what's the score?' is the easiest way to break the ice and get through the door. Don't abuse it- there are times when talking just won't work, so I'd recommend having a backup plan; mine is a plastic throwaway stun gun- make sure you make skin contact before you squeeze the trigger.
A face character can be a lot of fun, but if you're not having fun with it, don't worry about it- Shadowrun is a great game for figuring out what makes the game fun for you- most people enjoy playing street samurai right out the gate, but maybe you're one of the lucky few who gets it right the first time. Please, let us know if our feedback is/was helpful.