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Author Topic: Mission Impossible: Operation: Shadowrun  (Read 5324 times)


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Mission Impossible: Operation: Shadowrun
« on: March 29, 2012, 10:27:48 PM »

So this is an idea I have been bouncing around in my brain for a bit.

You are a corporate runner, you live on corporate land, you have access to tech, gear, and other highly restricted/forbidden stuff, and you run missions against the competition (and once in a while your own corp). 

I am enforcing most of the rules from the SR4 books but I am adding a few of my own.

I am going to use 500 BP for character creation to give you guys a more elite status.
I am lifting the availability ban to 16 and allowing R and F for purposes of gear (though if you are caught in an opposing corporate territory you are in real deep trouble).
I would recommend that you save a little bit of money to buy alternate identities and safehouses.
I am not allowing Shapeshifters, Synthetic Intelligences, Free Spirits, Infected, or Sapient Critters.

Now questions I have:
Is there any interest in a game like this?
I am thinking of including my own character to run with you guys same rules apply to him as you. Objections?
What Corporation would you like to run for?
Who would you like to run against (like top five corps you always wanted to slap around with a bit of cover)?

So thoughts?

Ingo Monk

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Re: Mission Impossible: Operation: Shadowrun
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2012, 09:58:54 AM »

Really interesting!  Though 500 BP and access to availability 16 might be excessive for starting characters... but I guess it makes sense with the back story you're setting up.  I generally try not to enforce Restricted or Forbidden gear during character generation for my games, some of them don't make sense.  For example, hand razors or cyber spurs are common cyber for those in the shadows.  However, these items are 10F and 12F respectively.  Essentially they're completely illegal as far as societal law is concerned, simply because they're highly concealable weapons that you're always armed with and cops cannot remove from you.  That part makes sense, but why the high availability numbers, are they really that hard to get a hold of?

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Re: Mission Impossible: Operation: Shadowrun
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2012, 11:13:32 AM »

Sounds like a lot of fun, to me.

Are you sticking with the starting rules for attributes and skills? Resources? 500 BP is a lot. :D

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Re: Mission Impossible: Operation: Shadowrun
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2012, 11:52:17 AM »

I am currious, but leery... I had a buddy in HS, who brought "meta-gaming" to a whole new level by doing the GM/PC combo deal... now: and NPC thats important to tye plot for whatever reason: thats cool. an NPC built using the current house ruleset and has a 20 page backstory? still okay. but its tough to separate "the story in your head with this awesome guy and stuff" from whatever the players come up with... it gets... muddled. I have tried to make it work on a number of different occasions and with different people, different gaming systems... and maybe it's just my backdated issues, but I always seem to feel regulated to the roll of "wacky sidekick" while the GM controlled PC has an awesome adventure that would probibly make a good book some day.
so: if you really want to do this, I'd suggest this:
make up the world with all its awesomeness and GM it.
or, write up a corporate PC with an awesome backstory and get another GM to sign off on it so you can play the idea out like you want.
write it as a short story/fiction bit here, and see if someone else will GM it for you.
*shrug* you've got enough buy-in without me to do a back to the corporate shack trial run and see how it works without me and my crazy ideas being a joykill, but I like ya enough to point out a potential flaw when I see it.
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Re: Mission Impossible: Operation: Shadowrun
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2012, 01:20:18 PM »

Well I will be honest I was going to do a Rigger NPC.  That way the team would have dedicated transport plus some surveillance type drones to help give you more intel for missions.  He is going to be restricted to only having a heavily armed vehicle and no combat drones.  I might make it a technomancer just to try one out.  This way I can play one see what it is like.  However I would wait until I get character concepts and decide on an NPC then.

As for the higher restriction you still can't get an assault cannon without a merit spent.   However I did the higher build because it also allows you to not feel like you are trading one thing for another.  Don't get me wrong I like playing the shuffle too but sometimes my concept doesn't fit into the limits of the 200 BP.  I just thought I would let it top out.  I was just waiting to see what response was.  We can always lower it down to 400 or 300 BP if it makes people feel more comfortable.


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Re: Mission Impossible: Operation: Shadowrun
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2012, 02:27:42 PM »

a rigger with 500 build points and a megacorp background would probibly be rolling arround in a T-bird. would make pickups and dropoffs easier... and a rigger NPC wouldn't metagame as much as your combat mage or streetsam,... we would always have a pilot that knew where to go... that could keep a pbp game moving...
could work.
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Re: Mission Impossible: Operation: Shadowrun
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2012, 12:15:10 PM »

Having a ride off-site would be helpful, and having a ton of drone to provide intel would be nice.

I try and avoid GM-PCs, because it's too easy to overshadow the players. Even if you intentions are good, you're more likely to let your character get that neat toy you want than you are to approve that same toy for another player. Same is true of risky actions, and letting your character off the hook. So I avoid them.

I do have fun with NPCs, though, and I try to remember that they're just supporting characters, not the focus of the story.

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Re: Mission Impossible: Operation: Shadowrun
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2012, 07:52:50 PM »

Is this game concept still in the works?  If so I'd be interested. 


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Re: Mission Impossible: Operation: Shadowrun
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2012, 10:19:58 PM »

It can't run without victims... I mean players lol.  I haven't seen anything yet but we are all pretty busy in the Denver run.  We all have limited time and I don't want to put folks out feeling they have to sacrifice in one game for another.


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Re: Mission Impossible: Operation: Shadowrun
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2012, 06:50:13 AM »

Understandable.   If anything does come of this color me interested.   I actually have a 500bp char made up already for another game that I'm in.   (the game is pretty slow, then again what pbp isn't). I'm looking to branch out to see if I can find any game that is lookin for another player. 


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Re: Mission Impossible: Operation: Shadowrun
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2012, 10:12:38 AM »

you are welcome to jump into the current denver thread. it's only about two poats deep at this point, and none of the PC's have offically met.
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