I dunno where else to put this, but I found it intersting; and thought I'd share.
First off:
A totally free remake (Care of Infamous Adventures) of Space Quest II
http://www.infamous-adventures.com/home/index.php?page=sq2Secondly, a bit more interesting:
http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/spaceventure/two-guys-spaceventure-by-the-creators-of-space-quea completely new space-quest adventure.
Now: I'm not trying to drum up a whole bunch of bids for this one, I may not sponsor it myself. But if it does get released, I will buy it!
Growing up, powered by my 80486DX2(66mhz) the Sierra Adventure games were Iconic beyond the Capitol "I"
If you haven't played the older games, this one had been updated, and it's free. I highly recommend you try it out.
If you have, I'd love to hear your favorite adventures, or other archaic games that tickled your fancy.