So.. managed to find an old old old book store that had a huge selection of comics they knew nothing about.. and no idea of how to price. Including pretty much the whole series of transmetropolitan.. Which they dont have, and now i have.
One unfortinate side effect of this (aside from a slightly lighter wallet) Is the sudden urge to play a Spider Jerusalem inspired character for shadowrun, where it could potentially be pulled off fairly well i think.. The world isnt quite The City style yet, but seems on its way there.
not quite sure how to swing it beyond a "Mercenary Reporter" joins runner team for chance to have some assistance breaking into corp facilities and such, wring out the secrets he wants to report on, and earn a little cash while he is at it.. Dont know.
Just sounds cool.. But considering a bottle of spirits is missing from my room, and my spirit stealing room mate moved out, theres a possible connection between the two. Me thinks more investigating is required. In the pizza box. that still has pizza.