played for a bit myself, was alright, and yeah, i like the way it feels like an actual game rather then an MMO, had great voice acting, story, ect... But what got me was the problem with all combat in mmos, you stand there, then queue up attacks by pressing 1-2-3-4 and setting up macros. that just kinda kills it for me, if its gonna be like turn based combat, make it turn based.
Just.. fell outta it though. to slow for me at times, then to fast at others. I liked the idea of customizable weapons and armor, you can buy new firing chambers, crystals, so on and so forth to get better stats for a base customizable gun and armor then work to keep it up as you play, and if you keep it good its more powerful then the purples and all you could find.. of course, its not that easy as you have to buy the parts from vendors with Commendations from certian planets, or craft them yourself, dismantle them in hopes of getting the next color level of that item, and repeat until you get purples, and by that point your read for all new parts. Would have been nice if you could find a better Base, a custom blaster you get at level 5 has the same base stats as one you get at level 50 so its all just cosmetic. which would have been nice as well.. show these fancy custom parts on my rifle instead of the same model the entire time.. but that is asking a bit much...