"We're really quite nice and friendly, but
everyone has a beastly side to them, don't they?"
- Sid Vicious
Lady Gaga/Christopher Walken - Poker Face MashupThe people you walk up to look dirty, and scared, but not like junkies. One of the major benefits to BTL chips is that rather than frying your body like Cocaine or Deepweed, they fry your mind- your ability to understand emotion gets burned out when you spend so much time slotting CalHots, chips illegal here in the UCAS sector, but legal in the NAN sectors.
It leads to a delayed response, like when you talk to someone who's watching AR, or trideo while on a voice call with you- there's a delay while the words make their way into the brain and back out again. You get the slow blinks of some heavy addicts that are otherwise perfectly healthy- another reason some gangs preferred to deal in BTL- it left the organs
clean to be harvested after the host died.
One of the men in the group, a dark-haired man with three days growth of beard, is the first to answer you.
"Kinsey? That tough ork? Yeah, he showed up and asked questions, wanted to know about Walter and Sandy."The man scans the crowd, looking for someone, but doesn't find them.
"He wanted to know about the missing people," a girl from the crowd prompts,
"where they lived, why we think they're not coming back." She nudges the first man,
"Tell him, Pale-Horse, about the people who wandered off and never came back."You'd think she'd sound more scared, people getting abducted from the place where she's living in squalor without weapons, but she sounds like she's re-telling a story that someone mentioned they once scanned in a hero trideo.