== Info ==
Street Name: Hastighet
Name: Gunslinger Adept
Movement: 10/25, Swim: 5
Karma: 0
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Composure: 5
Judge Intentions: 5
Lift/Carry: 8 (60 kg/40 kg)
Memory: 7
Nuyen: 0
== Attributes ==
BOD: 4
AGI: 5
REA: 5 (7)
STR: 4
CHA: 2
INT: 3
LOG: 4
WIL: 3
EDG: 3
MAG: 6
== Derived Attributes ==
Essence: 6
Initiative: 8 (10)
IP: 1 (3)
Astral Initiative: 6
Astral IP: 3
Matrix Initiative: 7
Matrix IP: 1
Physical Damage Track: 10
Stun Damage Track: 10
== Active Skills ==
Animal Handling : 0 Pool: 2
Animal Training : 0 Pool: 2
Archery : 0 Pool: 4
Armorer : 1 Pool: 5
Artisan : 0 Pool: 2
Automatics : 3 [Machine Pistols] Pool: 8 (10)
Blades : 3 [Swords] Pool: 8 (10)
Climbing : 1 [Freehand] Pool: 8 (10)
Clubs : 0 Pool: 4
Computer : 0 Pool: 3
Con : 0 Pool: 1
Cybercombat : 0 Pool: 3
Data Search : 0 Pool: 3
Demolitions : 0 Pool: 3
Disguise : 0 Pool: 2
Diving : 0 Pool: 3
Dodge : 1 [Ranged Combat] Pool: 8 (10)
Escape Artist : 0 Pool: 4
Etiquette : 2 Pool: 4
First Aid : 0 Pool: 3
Flight : 0 Pool: 3
Forgery : 0 Pool: 4
Gunnery : 0 Pool: 4
Gymnastics : 2 [Parkour] Pool: 10 (12)
Hacking : 0 Pool: 3
Heavy Weapons : 0 Pool: 4
Infiltration : 2 Pool: 7
Instruction : 0 Pool: 1
Intimidation : 0 Pool: 1
Leadership : 0 Pool: 1
Locksmith : 0 Pool: 4
Longarms : 0 Pool: 4
Navigation : 2 Pool: 5
Negotiation : 1 Pool: 3
Palming : 0 Pool: 4
Parachuting : 0 Pool: 3
Perception : 2 Pool: 5
Pilot Ground Craft : 1 Pool: 8
Pilot Watercraft : 0 Pool: 6
Pistols : 0 Pool: 4
Riding : 0 Pool: 6
Running : 2 Pool: 9
Shadowing : 1 Pool: 4
Survival : 0 Pool: 2
Swimming : 0 Pool: 3
Throwing Weapons : 0 Pool: 4
Tracking : 0 Pool: 2
Unarmed Combat : 1 Pool: 6
== Knowledge Skills ==
Area Knowledge: Denver : 2 Pool: 5
Cantonese : 3 Pool: 6
Checkpoint Procedures : 2 Pool: 6
English : N Pool: 0
Hong Kong Action Movies : 3 Pool: 6
Hong Kong Triads : 2 Pool: 5
Japanese : 1 Pool: 4
Mandarin : 2 Pool: 5
Swedish : 2 Pool: 5
Zen Techniques : 4 Pool: 8
== Contacts ==
Coyote (border crossings) (1, 1)
Fixer (3, 3)
Ganger (1, 1)
Snitch (2, 2)
== Qualities ==
Allergy (Common, Mild) (Gold)
Day Job (20 hrs/week)
Media Junkie (Mild)
SINner (Standard)
The Athlete's Way (Way of the Adept)
== Powers ==
Attribute Boost (AGI) Rating: 1 (SR4A)
Attribute Boost (STR) Rating: 1 (SR4A)
Great Leap Rating: 2 (SR4A)
Improved Reflexes 2 (SR4A)
Prodigious Physicality Rating: 3 (Way of the Adept)
Quick Draw (SM)
Wall Running (SM)
== Lifestyles ==
Middle 2 months
== Armor ==
Armor Clothing 4/0
Armor Clothing ("Kimono") 4/0
Form-Fitting Full-Body Suit6/2
Urban Explorer Jumpsuit 6/6
Urban Explorer Jumpsuit 6/6
== Weapons ==
Ares Crusader
+Quick-Draw Holster
+Gas Vent 3
+Personalized Grip
+Smartgun System
+Underbarrel Weight
Pool: 8 (10) DV: 4P AP: - RC: 5
+Personalized Grip, Melee
Pool: 9 (11) DV: 5P AP: -1 RC: 0
== Commlink ==
Disposable Commlink (1, 2, 1, 3)
+Disposable Commlink OS
Disposable Commlink (1, 2, 1, 3)
+Disposable Commlink OS
Hermes Ikon (4, 3, 2, 3)
+Mangadyne Deva
Renraku Sensei (2, 2, 2, 4)
+Renraku Ichi
== Gear ==
Analyze Rating 3
AR Gloves Rating 1
Autopicker Rating 5
Browse Rating 3
Command Rating 1
Contact Lenses Rating 3
+Image Link
+Vision Enhancement Rating 3
Edit Rating 2
Fake License (Detective) Rating 4
Fake License (Drivers) Rating 4
Fake License (Katana) Rating 4
Fake License (Ares Crusader) Rating 4
Fake SIN (Joe Turner) Rating 4
Inline Skates
Medkit Rating 6
Smart Pouch System, Combat Load Vest
+Smart Pouch System, Ration Pouch [Rations]
+Smart Pouch System, Smart Canteen
+Smart Pack
+Smart Pouch System, Ammunition Pouch [Ammo: EX-Explosive Rounds (Machine Pistols); Ammo: Gel Rounds (Machine Pistols); Ammo: Regular Ammo (Machine Pistols); Ammo: Stick-n-Shock (Machine Pistols); Spare Clip (Ares Crusader)]
== Vehicles ==
Chrysler-Nissan Patrol-1 (Patrol Car)
+Engine Customization, Acceleration
+Engine Customization, Speed
+Pilot Program Rating 3
Joe Turner started out life simply as Boy or Hey you! Working for an old swedish guy who started life as a skier and turned into a rundown hotel manager with a novacoke distribution to gangers. As time went on the gangers started calling the boy Turn as he never ran in a straight line. When he was sixteen his 'dad' got busted by the authorities. Turn grabbed his 'dad's excape bag and made a run for it. In teh bag he found the Crusader, a fake SIN 'Joe Turner', and the keys to a car with a ticket stub attached. He used the SIN to get a job at the courier service earning enough money to get the car out of hock and a place of his own to store it. For his eighteenth birthday he went into a club and ended up running into his fixer. The fixer tossed him small jobs to get him started and made suggestions to improve his gear to get better courier gigs. His fixer also made him aware of his magical talents. Over the past two years he delved deeper into the shadows gaining a few more contacts as time went on. Now he is twenty years old and trying to figure out how to push even further and faster.