"I'm very wary of news on television."
- Val Kilmer
Black Keys - Gold on the Ceiling
Peaches smiles, a big genuine smile that sticks tusks out.
"That strong chin- that hard face; all those looks, a southern boy, an humility too? Please tell me you ah one of the single gents."She puts up a hand, forestalling a response,
"No, let me have my fantasy.""Renraku is having one hell of a time tracking you- it doesn't help that someone is running interference, and it doesn't help that the only eye witnesses are the people that you saved, because all of their assets got cooked."Peaches smiles,
"Unfortunately, I happen to have an addiction to Horizon media time. Specifically, they have a program where new talent fights for a spot on the network. All sort ah catty and mean, really great programming.""You might remember one of the survivors, she looked something like this?"Peaches punctuates her question by sending you an image.

You have a brief flashback to the McHugh's, before everything went to hell in a handbasket. There was a cute girl, slutty judging by the way she was sitting in a skirt that short-- definitely stands out in your mind.
"That, my dear, is Maurissa Tanchaoren, newest corespondant for the Horizon Media Corporation."Peaches laughs, a cute sound to go with the bouncing red curls,
"Well, she is now. That little episode in the McHughs? Her cybereyes recorded the whole thing- and her P2 posts to her friends about the thing as it was happening made her a local celebrity. Horizon quickly gobbled her up, and now you're looking at her on the other side of some bioscuplting and tattoo removal, although she still has the attitude of a slut and the mouth of a sailor."Peaches sends you an image of the new and improved woman, from her Horizon profile:
Drek; hot, wet drek, with pieces of undigested corn in it.
"Oh, don't worry, I'm not threatening you, I had to ask around quite a bit before I found anyone who knew who you were. Your contact referred me to you, after I bought him a drink. You have to be one of her 'fans' on the show to get access to her personal archive, I just happened to be in the right place at the right time."Peaches' smile lights up her whole face, tusks sticking out above her thick bottom lip.
"I guess that concludes the 'show me yours,' so here's where I show you mine.""I'm a coyote- that's a smuggler that smuggles people across borders. Big in the UCAS, but they're a goldmine here in Denver. So many borders, so many guards and security forces, so many ways to step wrong."Peaches looks at you, all serious, and when she speaks you notice that she has less of an accent- apparently she can suppress the country girl when she wants to be a professional.
"My old route got burned- someone tried to run when ZDF was on their tailpipe, and brought them right down into the route. Can't go back there again, need to find a new route, a new way across. I heard rumor there was a way across by the Five by Five, a bar in the underground.""I know for a fact that you're good with that gun, I need backup for whatever we run into on the route, be it gangers, critters, or security. How about it? Saddle up with me, we'll test out the route, and I'll start talking about... well, we'll see where the night takes us, Shugah."