Okay: in a nutshell; here's my feelings:
1) Score! You can sneek by, or talk your way out of stuff, and not get 'dinged' on EXP for it. EXP is reward for compleating a quest, not 'farming'
2) Score! Farming is worthless! Killing stuff dosn't make you more powerfull, it just saps some of your hitpoints. (that don't regenerate unless you rest)
3) Score! Magic-users must conserve their spells; because their spellpoints don't automaticly regenerate. Horrah for actuall stratagy over button mashing madness.
4) Bogus! User interface is a little rough.
5) Score! Instanced doungens mean you don't have to sit and wait for a particular critter to 'respawn' because someone who is 40 levels higher is farming that spot for some worthless trinket.
6) GM 'voiceover' big SCORE! I like how the GM describes things to you as you encounter them. add the built-in voice over IP; and it's like one big tabletop.
7) Bogus! Single player expereance is extreamly limited. if you want to do anything; you'll have to do it as a group. there isn't much to do solo-adventure wise. (most instances are going to be too much for a single PC)

Bogus! Wish the player custimisation was a little better. (got spoiled on the creation of toons in city of heros and EQ2) it's not bad. (on par with warcraft I'd say) but I wish you could play with height and such some more.
all and all; i'm not sure if i'm going to play it past the beta. it looks like it could be cool; but I don't know if it's compleatly awsome enough to capture my attention away from the other demands on my time. *shrug* but who knows. perhaps I'll find some extra time, or get super bored or something, and end up playing it non-stop for eternety.
-RuskiFace the Pirate