Realistically, Lofwyr could just snap his fingers and blow up the Nightsky (remember the rules for characters without stats?)

The example about the tank says it would automatically get 4 successes in a
Body test, so that means it has at least a Body rating of 16. It doesn't talk about armor rating. I had to read that passage a couple of times before I got it

The Ares Citymaster, a riot control vehicle, has a Body of 16 and an Armor rating of 20 (which gives you a total damage resistance pool of 36, or 9 automatic successes).
Also don't forget that a magician can overcast, which is to cast a spell at a higher force rating than their magic rating. The Drain becomes physical though. So in theory your character could have casted the powerbolt spell at Force 10. Taken that into consideration, your first cast against the Nightsky would have done 4 points of damage, and the second would have done 5 points of damage (leaving the limo severly damaged).
Your character as a level 1 initiate has a maximum magic rating of 7 (though it is currently at 5). If you were to increase your magic rating to 7 the maximum force you could cast spells at would be 14, which could blow up a whole lot of things

You know, the more I work with SR4 rules the more I'm getting to like them