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Author Topic: Location Question!  (Read 5610 times)


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Location Question!
« on: June 16, 2006, 01:35:23 PM »

Heyya fellow runners.. while back i was reading over my shadowrun book at work, last 2-3 hours we have nothing to do so we bring in things to read, ect. and i noticed crater lake mentioned, about how it was shut off by Tir, and stuff like that... And currently im getting a shadowrun game started.. and was wondering if anybody knew any more about crater lake in SR.. I know theres deffinatly weird vibes from this place RL, and i like to run games based on our RL location (in JC i ran Call of Cthulu based in Job corps, heheh, was fun, specially when they learned several staff were possessed by extra dimensional demons and had to be destroyed... unfortinatly not all of them were. remember people, friendly fire, isnt!)

there are plenty of weird things here, like one little thing that happened... while back they were doing a sonar scan of the lake to get a lay of the land so to speak, but the old man in the lake was bobbing and evidently messing with the scan (for referance, OMITL is a tree that grew its roots around a bunch of heavy rocks and leaked sap all over them when it fell into the lake it floated veritically because of the rocks.) so they tied it down.. with in about... an hour, a storm came up so heavy no boats could go on the water at all., this lasted for almost 3 days straight before they were bout to give up and cut OMITL loose. once they did that, the storm dissappeared with in a half hour and was perfect weather. the old lodge also has a very strong "Shining" feeling to it, and guests constantly comment about hearing weird noises and babies crying, even when the lodge wasnt open and wasnt a child around...

So, i was wondering if you guys knew any info bout Crater lake in the SR world.. im planing on sending the characters in on a run either by talismonger wanting something powerful suppose to be in there or what.. and any info you guys know would be good.. unfortinatly i dont have the ability to download any more books, which kinda sucks:(

anyways, again any info would be appreciated!
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Re:Location Question!
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2006, 07:05:01 PM »

Well, the info on Crater Lake is in several books. The Tir Tairngire sourcebook elaborates a lot on the whole country.

The entire lake was cordoned off and they even set up satellite-blinding lasers so no one could take a picture of the site from orbit. Also note that the Tir removed all its magical personnel from the area, almost as if the area had become a mana warp of some kind dangerous to the awakened or perhaps a posessive spirit with very nasty abilities.

I could make a claim of one of "the Enemy." But I really don't have any details. But Yrsgrathe comes to mind...
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Re:Location Question!
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2006, 07:27:37 AM »

Cool, i'll check about for that tir book, but doubt i'll have much luck, i cant even net surf for a while till i get a wireless adapter for my puter (you can get them for desktops right?)

im kinda guessing if they got lasers to keep sats from peeking, its not something for a first time run with new characters... and who or what, are The Enemy, and who/what is Yrsgrathe, shoul i dig out my COC book?

could be they found good source of pure elements, the water (as of right now) is literally the purest natural in the world, there are dozens of mountians all around, some hella fresh air, some of the strongest densest wood in the united states, and its all on top of a volcano in an area thats considered a sacred place by the Klamath and Umpqua(sp) tribes, both of which you'll almost never see up here (sacred, but bad mojo kinda place) so possibly a good source of true elements, maybe even orihalcum, and who knows what kind of spirits! whats always fun are watching the Pagoda moths.. nothing like a moth the size of your hand with fingers spread wide... kinda reminds me of some other insects and the people that follow them......

tell you what, i told couple guys interisted in playing bout possibility of a run at crater lake, and the first question i got was, "will we get to blow up the lodge and dorms?"
kinda creepy as i work here.. but then again, first thing i thought of was "maybe in the end the place can blow up..."
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Re:Location Question!
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2006, 09:56:07 AM »


The Enemy is the ancient Horrors that arrive when the mana level reaches a certain point and then disappear when the mana level drops. They come in many forms from a pure astral spirit form to an Awakened dual-natured form. Their entire purpose is ravenous destruction, consumption and corruption. They feed in several ways, by eating matter ravenously. These physical Horrors will eat anything: gemstones, rocks, grass, fertile soil, animals, people, anything. There are other more dangerous Horrors that feed on negative background count and living Karma. These forms are more powerful because the Karma they steal allows them to grow. Simultaneously, the karma they acquire by stealing from other beings additionally imprints them with the personality quirks of the people they steal it from.

This brings me to Yrsgr'athe (pronounced Ears-Grr-Ayth, I believe) He is one of these higher form Horrors. Originally, it simply drained its victims, however, as it grew it took on a name and a form and then formed a Modus Operandi for how it behaved. "He" takes the form of a hooded skeletal figure, when manifest, of course. He will find someone proud and vainglorious and offer them strength, in a sort of Pact (nearly identical to the Pact made between Shadow Spirit and a Corrupted Magician) and give them additional Karma pool and power. However, he will use this link to slowly corrupt the the bonded and then at the right moment, he will betray them, using the emotional upheaval caused by the fall of the victim to drain all the energy and karma from the target. He prefers to drain strong and powerful people as they put up a greater bit of amusement and can take what he dishes out to them as the situations he places them in get more hectic and desperate, earning more karma for him to drain in the end. He originally never derived pleasure from any of this, but as he preys on metahumanity, he becomes more and more like them, emotional and affected. The pact that he uses would only work on a type of magic user. which would explain why the magical personnel was pulled from Crater Lake.

Horrors have a nasty effect on the area around them, in particular, astral space. They create a mana warp around them, twisting the mana in a horrible and disturbing way. Their simple presence creates a horrible background count which makes magic use very dangerous without filtering metamagic. Also, Horrors have the ability to "mark" their targets. They essentially "implant" an astral link inside the aura of another being which allows them to affect them with sorcery without actually having a material link. Treat this as if the linking test in a ritual sorcery test succeeds automatically.

If you were to use Yrsgr'athe in Shadowrun, he'd most likely be considered a powerful Free Shadow Spirit, who will make a Pact with a character in exchange for Potency. He has the Karma Drain ability that he will use when he pulls his potency from the bonded in a situation where the victim desperately needs it. If the players encounter Yrsgr'athe, they will probably die unless the Horror is weak in a low mana level of some sort.
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Re:Location Question!
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2006, 11:03:53 AM »

hhmm.. sounds cool, but rather not toss new characters up against something so heavy yet.. maybe just have them do a run in the area searching for something and get some weirdness happening, throw in a mage tag along NPC so theres something for the horrors or what not to tempt a bit and build for future stories..
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Re:Location Question!
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2006, 02:27:28 PM »


Thank you.
Reality?  That's for people who can't handle hot ASIST!

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Re:Location Question!
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2006, 06:15:38 AM »

Captain North, how owuld it work if your PC's had a run in the area around Crater Lake? Perhaps a job collecting some telesma or some kind of paranormal critter or what ever, then have the run go all fugazi and the runners end up a lot closer to the lake then they wanted to be. Give them all kinds of horror stories about the lake and the area around it as background info so they are all freaked out to begin with and when everything goes nuts, let them find a slaughtered patrol of Tir regular army and wonder "what the frag could take these guys out and how did we get so close the that fraggin' lake???" Then just toss some unique freaky spirits or critters at them and leave them with a lot more questions when they get out of the area. That way, you have a hook for when the PC's get a big more experience and they could possibly take on the REAL reason you wanted them at the lake. Make it a kind of prelude to the real run you have sketch out for them a while i the future.

Just my .02¥, as Kid_Vid says.

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Re:Location Question!
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2006, 07:09:21 PM »

Heh, if you wanna work in the whole Horror thing, you could make it so that Yrsgr'athe makes a pact with another NPC Shadowrunner, either a competitor or otherwise and then notice how their behavior changes with their new-found power. Eventually you could turn the whole darn thing into a long-running campaign of sorts, whereby you thwart the NPCs plans to reduce his Potency and then defeat both the NPC and Yrsgr'athe.
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Re:Location Question!
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2006, 11:26:38 AM »

Well, my plan was more of it as a start thing, im assuming they arent going to know anything about crater lake IC wise or OOC wise (crater lake... so its a big hole with water in it?) and they have some run of the mill job with an NPC mage going along, as they are doing what they are doing the keep seeing weird things here and there, the lake is already weird enough as is, the trees and all in the surrounding area are gnarled and twisted, we have one tree that grows straight up, then turns 90 degrees and does a cork-screw spiral sticking out horizontally then continues growing straight at 90 degree angle. and it did that naturally. but more weird stuff, throw in some wild critters, couple unexplained things, and then losing the mage, him being vital part of the mission they have to go find him, and find him talking to something either they can or cant see. run ends everybodys happy cept anybody who got gacked. from there some normal urban runs yada yada yatta, and eventually they get a contact from the guy who gave them their first job proposing a run to the crater itself either to find some magi artifact, or what ever might pique their interist, as well as a hefty pay day. the call actually coming from the mage who has been horror tempted and wants to tie up some loose ends and possibly impress his new "partner" and give them something to munch on. from there it goes as it goes.

so far we got a good range of chars, no mage types though, but we do got a guy who has more cybernetic parts then one of the Emperorers Dreadnaughts, but at the same time i've played couple small games with the guy and he is actually a damn good player.
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Re:Location Question!
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2006, 12:36:10 PM »

Well have fun with it, and post some pictures of the Real Life Crater Lake if it's that freeky. You've got me curious now.

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Re:Location Question!
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2006, 03:11:26 PM »

hehe, if i ever get my wireless connection working... its seriously begining to miff me off...

anyways, soon as i get my wireless working i can take the pictures i got and post them. and it doesnt look weird, its actually pretty beautiful landscape side from the mutated trees. its the Feel you get some times.. in the lodge you get a real Shining vibe, and outside jut off in the forest you get this weird sensation that theres something right there all around you, and its not the normal one you get out in the forest. theres also talk of ghosts, children playing on the grounds, babies crying, ect, and that was before people were even really coming to the place.
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Re:Location Question!
« Reply #11 on: June 21, 2006, 05:09:12 AM »

Well, you do realise that SR uses stories like that to make their game material, right? So it's kind of natural that such a place would appear in some SR material, especially if it involves Tir Tairangire. The elven nation HAS to be a bit fragged up and strange. Personally, I always wanted to run my "Mothman" scenario, but never got the chance. And as far as I know, no information about this ever appeard in any SR book. Oh well, more for me to create I suppose.

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Re:Location Question!
« Reply #12 on: June 21, 2006, 02:47:16 PM »

Most especially considering that most of the writers from FASA lived in Seattle and probably went on vacation to Crater Lake in Oregon :P

Keep in mind, that if you're going to involve "the Enemy" in your game that several very powerful players in the game (ie. Immortal Elves and Dragons) will suddenly become interested in the PCs' activities. They'll also probably try to cover up the existence of the Horrors in question, even if it means dosing your characters with lots and lots of Laes and a few rounds in the PAB machine with a doctor with rating 10 Psychology skill.
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Re:Location Question!
« Reply #13 on: June 21, 2006, 06:34:25 PM »

Or just a ¥.03 bullet to the brain. You know, whichever is cheaper. ;)

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Re:Location Question!
« Reply #14 on: June 22, 2006, 05:37:45 PM »

Ah, but why would a powerful dragon want to waste such talented runners?
"Why do I care? Personally, I think everyone smells a little bit better when their flesh is smouldering..."    ---Dros, Vindictive Fire Mage
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