I've embraced SR4 fully, my only complaints with it are yes, the editing, and also the gymnastics that the copyright and printing has been going through. It's had a horrible time getting books out, period. Other than that, I find the system is more conducive to "winging" a few rolls here and there, the fixed target number makes it easier to perform mental GM calculations as to what a certain action can require. It's nice to have magic, decking, and combat all using the same methodology for a roll.
Also... if you really get into it, the SR4 matrix rules are WAAAAY more playable. They lost some of the detail that was in SR3's, but it's now possible to have a decker's turns integrated with a combat situation on a pass-by-pass basis without the game coming to a screeching, exploding, cavern-collapsing, halt.
From a GM-ing aspect, and also as a player, I really enjoy the variable magic/resonance attribute. It's fun to play a magically active character who isn't really all there yet, who has some work ahead of him to throw around the truly serious mojo. SR3 mages seemed to get catapulted into some real destructive potential, like, in their first run! You can still get a character like that is 4th... but he'll have absolutely nothing else.
The Vehicle system runs a little more elegantly now... no more maneuver scores being recalculated every turn. It works with a set of ranges now... to your intended target. Opposed tests between you and the other car will move the range a level closer, or a level farther. Dice pool modifiers apply for traffic and road conditions, as always. I really like the new vehicle system.
The Wireless nature of the matrix in four also has it's moments, both good and bad. It allows deckers to wreak havoc out in the normal world, but all that's done is put more IC out there... this time, running on personal 'links. It's still possible to have a segregated network for a corporate building, it makes sense that the security cameras might still be wired, or were purposely installed that way to ensure data security.
yeah, so my only beefs with SR4 are the piss-poor editing (which I can work around... barely), and the vehicle list being so God Damn short. I mean... c'mon, even the one in the back of SR3 was longer!