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Author Topic: to SR4 or not to SR4?  (Read 6042 times)


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to SR4 or not to SR4?
« on: September 13, 2006, 07:09:48 PM »

I've played Shadowrun off and on since First ed. mostly played 2nd. I have tons of books from that time, I have 3rd edition but never really got to play it. I've been wanting to get back in the game. good points and bad, how is 4? Also what can be used from older books, anything?
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Re:to SR4 or not to SR4?
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2006, 10:54:48 AM »

Well, let's see, Swirler, I haven't had a chance to really get into 4th edition just yet, but I have been told by several of the Pub patrns that the rules-set is much more streamlined than the previous 3 versions. Of course, that was the main goal of having a new edition, so apparently FP actually managed it. The timeline has also been shifted ahead by 7 years, so alot of the recent (read last 20 yers of game-time) is going to be more or less ot the window for suplimental material. Normal history, that is from 1980 - 2050 is still consistant. Of course they didn't toss out all of the history generated by the novels or modules, but you will have to really check sources for things like current corporation drek and just bout everything having to do with the matrix now that it's wireless.

Unfortunately, that's really all I know about 4th edition. I've been between runner groups in RL for about 2 years now, so bummer for me. Now if you have a 3rd edition question, I'm your elf. Well, me and Retread and ROOTless. More Retread and ROOTless, actually. In fact, you may just want to IM them. ;)


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Re:to SR4 or not to SR4?
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2006, 02:24:39 PM »

I for one do not plan to make the move to the 4th edition.
The list of changes I've seen described makes it look like a storyteller clone.
Now don't get me wrong, I like storyteller just fine, but I like the shadowrun system just fine too, and I don't like systems getting dumbed down (which happened to AD&D when it became D&D3, and which appears to've happened in SR4).
Mind you, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with SR4, just that I can't be bothered to spend money on what appears to be a devolution of a functional system at the moment.

Perhaps now is the time for someone who actually plays (or atleast bothered to read) the fourth edition to step forth and comment?
Reality?  That's for people who can't handle hot ASIST!

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Re:to SR4 or not to SR4?
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2006, 07:42:17 AM »

In a way I like the idea of streamlining, but I also fear things being stripped down and soulless. As I mentioned, Ive never actually gotten to play 3rd, most of my time was 1st and 2nd.

 The thing that bothered me was combat could really bog down and melee was all but useless, the way I remember it in the first two. How does it compare in 3rd or 4th?
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Re:to SR4 or not to SR4?
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2006, 08:44:28 AM »

Well, combat can still bog down a bit, but I've always felt that since it is so deadly, then once you get a light or medium wound, then the rest goes down hill pretty quickly. As for melle combat, yeah, it still sucks troll dong. I started using it a lot more in my recent games, and found that it was very poorly thought out. The idea of being able to do damage to someone by defending yourself always sat really badly with me. To put it anohter way, and this is from a gamer who liked super-hero games, "This sucks! So you're telling me that if the Flash ran up to someone and hit them 20 times in a second, they could do damage to HIM every time? So basicly you can attack someone and kill yourself before he even gets to attack you back??"

Personally, I have to agree with the player on that one. However, if you get yourself a copy of the Cannon Companion, they have a bunch of fighting styles in there that compliment the normal melee fighting rather well. You still have the problems, but now you have OPTIONS. ;)

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Re:to SR4 or not to SR4?
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2006, 07:56:01 AM »

well I decided to just go ahead and get the book and then go thriough it and see what I think. Nothing else I'll want it for any changes in background or additions.
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Re:to SR4 or not to SR4?
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2006, 09:45:26 AM »

Oh yeah, take the easy way out. ;)

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Re:to SR4 or not to SR4?
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2006, 03:33:10 PM »


If you were The Flash, you'd have a quickness of 30 and a combat pool to match; could smoke them on the first or second complex action.

Then there's reaction. If the player failed the surprise roll ie. rolled less successes than the Flash's reaction, they couldn't counterattack at all.
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Re:to SR4 or not to SR4?
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2006, 04:34:02 PM »

Yeah, my house rules are that you can't return damage on melee attacks- you have to wait for your turn to punch, even if you totally and completely soak everything they throw at you.

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Re:to SR4 or not to SR4?
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2006, 05:45:22 AM »


If you were The Flash, you'd have a quickness of 30 and a combat pool to match; could smoke them on the first or second complex action.

Then there's reaction. If the player failed the surprise roll ie. rolled less successes than the Flash's reaction, they couldn't counterattack at all.

You could ONLY smoke them if you got surprise. You know the rules as well as I do, if you hit someone you roll both Unarmed Combat (or equivalent) against a TN of 4 (pluss modifications) and whoever gets the most successes deals damage. If the flash attacked 30 people in 30 second, he leaves himself open to 60 (2 punches per initiative pass) counter attacks. That rule sucks troll schlong.

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Re:to SR4 or not to SR4?
« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2006, 08:37:06 AM »

Hence my house rule.

 We also increased the threshold to do damage to 5 for most cases, although we have used the 'opposed test' that was so popular in 2nd edition.

Personally, I like to have the runners roll at a specific target number, and then roll the unarmed combat skill plus the body of the person, to take the hit. This gives the defender the edge in combats, rather than the agressor. Maybe it's just been my experience, but it's much harder to hurt someone with your hands than it is to avoid getting hurt.

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Re:to SR4 or not to SR4?
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2006, 10:20:37 PM »

Well, if you wanna be technical, you could use vehicle rules. Since The Flash moves at such a high speed the target number to hit him would be so high. So say the Flash had 30 quickness. That means that he can "Run" 4x30 meters per combat turn. (remarkably low, for The Flash) Since the target(s) is assumed to be still. The target number is increased by +1 for every 30m/Combat Turn. The person countering the Flash would probably suffer an additional +4 or more penalty to his target number to hit because he's simply moving too fast. If he's moving so fast that he can't be seen then there's an additional +8 to hit him for a blind attack modifier.

The assumption is that melee is a contest and it should be rolled that way. It's not a slug fest where one attack follows another. Someone can throw a punch and a better martial artist can lock that arm and break their shoulder. Cases where characters are superhuman are reflected in their stats. Someone with super-human reflexes is still limited by how fast their muscles can actually move and work. Wired reflexes make it so your brain works your muscles faster, but it doesn't actually allow your arms to move faster or your legs to run farther. A person with quickness 4 can run 16 meters in a combat turn, regardless of how many complex actions they take. A person with a higher quickness has more combat pool, a person with higher Reaction and initiative can pull a trigger faster and never be surprised, big difference.
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Re:to SR4 or not to SR4?
« Reply #12 on: September 22, 2006, 08:36:38 PM »

book came today
we'll see how it reads
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Re:to SR4 or not to SR4?
« Reply #13 on: September 23, 2006, 02:10:53 PM »

That is a one-eyed smoking portait of pork awesomeness. (your icon)

Let us know what you figure out, okay?

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Re:to SR4 or not to SR4?
« Reply #14 on: September 24, 2006, 02:17:40 PM »

That is a one-eyed smoking portait of pork awesomeness. (your icon)

Let us know what you figure out, okay?

its the store/password giver character from an old sega master system game "Wonderboy 3: the Dragons Trap"
yeah so far Im liking most of what I'm seeing in the game, though I miss Decks and deckers
"I used to think the brain was the most interesting part of the body. Then I realized, look what's telling me that..."
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