Hoi Ap,
Here's the deal. If you get a vision magnification scope, you end up reducing your long and extreme range by the rating of the scope. For instance, a Vision Mag 2 scope reduces Extreme Range DOWN by 2 notches, making it medium range. Therefore, all of your target numbers drop accordingly. This is a very good modification for a rifle, and excelent if you are planning on doing any sniping.
As for a laser site on your other gun, well, I don't like laser sites. They only give you a -1 Target Number, and they become visible in any kind of smoke/fog/dust etc. In the games I've run, there was always a chance that anyone targeted with a laser site would be able to follow it back and spot the shooter. Just my GM perogative, but there you are. I suggest a smartlink on ALL your guns. If you have cybernetics do NOT pass up an internal Smartlink II. It gives you a -2TN on all your shots, and a -1 TN to shots from underbarrel weapons like a grenade launcher or shotgun. Also, it is internal, therefore making it nearly imposible to spot. Of course, it only works with smartlink equiped weapons, but you can get that modification VERY easily.
As for carrying multiple weapons, think of it like this. If you, personally, carried a rifle into Walmart, what would the reaction be? What if you carried 2 rifles and a pistol in your belt? Since SR is so reality-based when it comes to social interaction, anything that goes in real life would probably work in SR. So you can easily carry a bunch of weapons with you, you just have to be able to get away with no one carring. Concealability is a must.
PS - Fill us in on what kind of character you're playing and it will help.