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Author Topic: Innane Chatter (A.K.A. Paddin' Part 2)  (Read 82580 times)


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Innane Chatter (A.K.A. Paddin' Part 2)
« on: January 29, 2007, 06:13:17 AM »

This thread has now hit 223 pages.
It is now locked.

Go make a new one (or several - and then stay on topic, please).

Stay on Topic? ROOTless, the Paddin' thread was for PADDING A POST COUNT. Therefore, ANYTHING is on topic. So, this is a thread specifically designed for talking about drek. Plane and simple. Post anything you like. The topic is Innane Chatter. Have fun everyone.

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Re:Innane Chatter (A.K.A. Paddin' Part 2)
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2007, 12:23:43 PM »

Stay on Topic? ROOTless, the Paddin' thread was for PADDING A POST COUNT. Therefore, ANYTHING is on topic. So, this is a thread specifically designed for talking about drek.

I never claimed that the paddin' thread went off-topic, merely that if you created several new thread, some of which would then be expected to have actual topics, it might be nice if you stayed on-topic in such threads as had topics.

Now: for the topic of this thread: Gabe.
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Re:Innane Chatter (A.K.A. Paddin' Part 2)
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2007, 01:13:58 PM »

Yay! I'm the center of attention!

Wait a minute. That's probably not a good thing for a shadowrunner. Damn your evil mechanations, ROOTless. :gabe: :root:

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Re:Innane Chatter (A.K.A. Paddin' Part 2)
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2007, 01:20:51 PM »

Okay, going back to what Gabe said at the end of the Paddin Thread, I think Lucas copped out too- I mean, he didn't turn down the money from the action figures, lightsabers, or stuff on TV. I include the 1970-something Star Wars Christmas special among his list of war crimes, along with BOTH of the little kid Endor movies. He will pay for those. Oh yes, he will pay.

But I think it's a huge cop-out to take the money, approve the books, and then say that they don't matter- that they don't actually reflect the world, because you were too busy swimming through money like Scroog McDuck to write it yourself.

And why didn't he write it himself, you ask? Because basically everything he's written since the original Star Wars trilogy sucked. The christmas specials, the original cartoon, even the prequels- they were trite and filled with characters who made great action figures, but for some really drekky characters.

If he keeps this up, I'm going to have to put him on my list of least favorite directiors, right after Uwe Boll.

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Re:Innane Chatter (A.K.A. Paddin' Part 2)
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2007, 01:25:15 PM »

Watch out there, Kid_Vid. You don't want to make threats you can't back up. ;)

Gabriel (I want to see that list, in hard copy)
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Re:Innane Chatter (A.K.A. Paddin' Part 2)
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2007, 01:49:14 PM »

My list of hated directors?

Uhhh... it's pretty short at this point. I don't bother to remember the names of directors that suck- they have to suck and be passionate about it, and keep making horrible movies.

Uwe Boll is currently the only director that ranks on the list. I dislike MANY other directors (Roman Polanski for being a child molestor, Oliver Stone for being so damn preachy, so on and so forth) they don't rank worthy of hate to me.

Uwe Boll, on the other hand, does. His movies are poorly scripted, directed, edited, and shot. They suck. They're based on video-game franchises with built-in fans, and he still manages to make no money on them, and for some suprising reason, they keep letting him make movies. Not only more movies, but bigger movies- more expensive movies.

This is aside from the inexplicable plot changes- why did house of the dead take place on an island? Why did it not actually contain anything from the game itself, aside from the names of three characters?

When Uwe Boll was asked why he changed everything, he responded "It's a zombie movie- no one cares," but apparently someone did, because the movie was a spectacular failure at the box office.

Bloodrayne, known for its herione and gratuitous violence, contained little of either. Sir Ben Kingsley, apparently working on repaying his deal with the devil, agreed to appear in the movie, which was so horrible that the studio still hasn't managed to re-make the 200 million they sunk into the production.

And yet, they continue to let him make movies. His next flop- Dungeon Seige, followed by "Postal," the game made famous when someone objected to the fact that you could desecrate corpses by beheading them, and then pissing on the brainstems.

Okay, and the icing on the cake- Uwe Boll blames the bad pubilicity that internet forums give his movies for the failures. He says it because of thier negative hype that people don't show up like lemmings to pay $10 a pop to watch this drivel.

He was so sure of this, in fact, that he staged an exhibition boxing match (Boll, although a mediochre direction, was a semi-pro boxer back in the day). Apparently he felt that beating some skinny white kids would give him back his 'street cred.'

So he fought four 198 pound forum posters. Three of them had never badmouthed his movies, although they frequented sites that he had said ruined his career. The fourth was a 16 year old kid- arguably with the most training any of these candidates had recieved, with six whole months of training under his belt.

So Boll, the 42 year old director, punched some nerds a few times. After he had beaten them, he bragged "I gave them brain damage! They love my movies now!" ...which seems like something insulting rather than a boast, but I guess if it makes him happy...

Anyway, he's the only director I hate.

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Re:Innane Chatter (A.K.A. Paddin' Part 2)
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2007, 04:48:52 AM »

Nice tirade! Of course, seeing as how you keep up with this guy enough to quote him on several occasions, I think that technicly makes you a fan as well. Sorry, but it's the Howard Stern Syndrome: a person who hates a celebrity obsesivly watches/listens to said celebrity, then tells everyong about it, thus increasing the popularity of the celebrity they hate. It kind of sucks.


PS - That's still only one name, so I don't think it's really a "list" per se. :P
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Re:Innane Chatter (A.K.A. Paddin' Part 2)
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2007, 05:11:54 AM »

I find it hard to belive that Drek Drek Binks would make a decent action figure.  In fact, I can think of nothing at all redeeming about... whatever the hell it is.  >:(

That's a pretty interesting story about Uwe Boll.... considering the philosophy of 'If I don't like someone, I beat them up' that he portrayed by kicking the snot out of some defenceless guys who read someone else's opinion, I'm surprised he didn't manage to put some violence into Bloodrayne.

I'd have to disagree with your statement that 'obviously someone cares' about zombie movies though, Kid - if anyone cared, they would have actually gone to see it.  Or maybe they just don't care about Uwe... that's probably more likely.
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Re:Innane Chatter (A.K.A. Paddin' Part 2)
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2007, 05:53:36 AM »

Speaking of zombie movies, has anyone seen s"Special Dead"? It's about a zombie plague that hits a special ed camp out in the woods. I've seen the previews on the matrix, but I cant' tell if it was a spoof, indy movie, or limited release.

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Re:Innane Chatter (A.K.A. Paddin' Part 2)
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2007, 10:52:04 AM »

Ignoring Gabe's topic changer, I know tha Lucas did approve and beatify the Thrawn Trilogy and Shadows of the Empire... but nothing else.  He even went so far as to say that yeah Luke established some kind of academy but it wasn't on yavin.  In short, if he doesn't like the way things are going in EU, stop issuing approvals!  And what's all this drek about he OWNS every single character ever introduced into any officially liscenced game?  Thats chutzpah taken to a new and disgusting level.
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Re:Innane Chatter (A.K.A. Paddin' Part 2)
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2007, 05:10:24 AM »

yea, lucas is a douche. It's really hard to comment now that everyone else said what I was thinking. So, kudos!
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Re:Innane Chatter (A.K.A. Paddin' Part 2)
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2007, 02:19:55 PM »

Wait, he owns every character? Even Revan and Malak and Sidious and all those characters from the Knights of the Old Republic games?

That... that just doesn't seem right.
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Re:Innane Chatter (A.K.A. Paddin' Part 2)
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2007, 05:38:25 PM »

And what about all those Fanfic OC's, RPG characters...


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Re:Innane Chatter (A.K.A. Paddin' Part 2)
« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2007, 01:33:39 AM »

Wow, that would be like Bill Gates saying he owns everything that touches Windows.

Yeah... that's about the scale you'd be looking at. :/

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Re:Innane Chatter (A.K.A. Paddin' Part 2)
« Reply #14 on: February 01, 2007, 06:29:04 AM »

Wow, that would be like Bill Gates saying he owns everything that touches Windows.

That... sounds familiar...
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