I saw the movie. I enjoyed it greatly.
Yes, the oracle scene was a little. . . let's say wonky.
But overall I was impressed. You've got well choreographed battle scenes, flawlessly integrated effects and some CG. You've got slight political intrigue, and much slaying of foes.
Even the gore seemed to be done tastefully. It wasn't excessive (It actually was excessive, but that word gives the wrong conotation) so much as it was abundant.
Most of the kills were stabs through people or the occasional head falling off. But no spilled entrails, no massive blood fountains. Yes, it was violent but almost in an artistic PG-16 way.
My only complaint? The elephants and rhino were too big to be accuarate, but I'm fine with that. And the prevalence of deformed giant mutants. Nasty critters that would give the toughest Trolls around here a run for their money. . . Xerves sure collected some strange pets and troops, eh?
P.S. I just made up the PG-16 rating for the purposes of this post.