Hee, once again, here's one for you. Tempt your adepts with the Dark Side of the Force. Whenever the adepts kill something and they do so with bloodlust, offer them a chance to go with that bloodlust. Tell them they feel stronger and that their rage brings them focus, raising their powers temporarily. You can raise the level on their powers temporarily, whatever. However, every time the players do this, tally it down. Whenever the players abuse this power, they may lose control, going into a murderous powertrip. Tell the players that they feel angry in a particular situation, or whatever random thoughts go through their heads. How they grow to hate some of their contacts or even minor annoyances. If the characters don't see the link between this newfound power and their developing psychosis, then they deserve what's next.
Remember those tally marks? Each tally mark is now the target number for a willpower test to avoid going berserk like a bear shaman whenever "threatened" not hurt. This threat can be as small as a drunk bar patron wanting to fight or even a threat by the police. In this rage, the character attacks the threatening character or object mindlessly until they kill the offending character or are incapacitated in some way.
The source of this rage? A new form of Florescing Astral Bacteria III hybrid with the Human Metahuman Vampiric Virus. This bacterial agent is more like a virus. Instead of preying on and feeding on magic, this bacterial colony bonds with a magic-user forming a symbiotic relationship, adding it's relative "Force" to its host's Magic rating, this becoming the basis for new powers or intense magical prowess. However, these symbiotes are not benign in any way. Being bred with HMHVV, the bacteria must feed on Essence or die. It induces its host into a psychotic rage in order attain its food. Piggybacking on the emotional link between the host and their victim it feeds on the essence of either the dying victim or the dying host. Once the bacteria consumes twice its force worth of essence, it becomes stronger, raising in force.
However, once the force of the bacterial colony becomes greater than the magic rating of the host the host must make a final Willpower test. If this test fails, the host becomes suicidal and immediately makes a move to kill themselves in some grotesque manner. If the host manages to sucessfully kill themselves the bacteria absorbs the final amount of essence from its host and all the Magic that the host had. This causes the bacteria to reproduce into two bacterial clouds with half the force of the original.
This sinister symbiote was created and designed by Ordo Maximus, a technological and magical vampiric initiatory group. Having attained a sample of the bacteria that Ares used against the bug spirits in Chicago (at great risk to themselves) they managed to manipulate the bacteria using the same techniques they use to hold a cybermantic individuals aura inside their dying body. Having sucessfully engineered this bacteria however, caused it to mutate beyond the original concept of a symbiote to aid vampires and it took on a predatory feeding and reproduction ability. Unlike normal FAB III the this mutant strain is nearly undetectable when it occupies its host as the bacteria, a wholly astral construct, becomes one with the aura of the host. However, the bacteria becomes easier to detect once it grows. The base target number to detect the bacteria is 12 minus its force. So a rating 7 bacteria is still hard to spot but a rating 1 is nearly impossible to spot when it occupies a host. Furthermore, as the host becomes more and more addicted to the power given by the symbiotic bacteria their aura becomes darker and more twisted, attracting all sorts of bad luck and spirits.
Whaddaya think? I came up with that all just now