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Author Topic: Piracy Question  (Read 11580 times)

Ingo Monk

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Re:Piracy Question
« Reply #15 on: October 07, 2005, 03:12:40 PM »

Yeah try Ruski's idea then

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Re:Piracy Question
« Reply #16 on: October 10, 2005, 09:28:35 AM »

Sounds god to me. Now, I have to remember to get a patch cable....

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Re:Piracy Question
« Reply #17 on: October 10, 2005, 09:34:05 AM »

you can build one out of a couple of old headsets if you have them and you feel like cutting them up.

but i'd worry about connection quality if you don't do a good job.

-RuskiFace the Pirate
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Re:Piracy Question
« Reply #18 on: December 17, 2005, 11:32:09 AM »

speaking of radio dramas:

It's the shit.

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Re:Piracy Question
« Reply #19 on: December 19, 2005, 09:34:39 AM »

That's some interesting stuff...
have you followed it for long?

-RuskiFace the Pirate
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Re:Piracy Question
« Reply #20 on: February 06, 2006, 11:00:41 AM »

Hey Ruski, how do I access the soundcard so that I can record using that?? All I know how to do is use a 3rd party program. I don't know how to use the hardware and reset it to record anything.

Gabriel, computer dunce
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Re:Piracy Question
« Reply #21 on: February 06, 2006, 11:19:37 AM »

accessing the hardware dirrectly is not a feat for the faint of heart.

if you are running a windows operating system, you can go look up the hardware address, (typically IRQ7 or IRQ5); and from there you could write a program to 'listen' to that address, and address any data coming through.

mostly, it's not set up for dirrect access. you need a program or interface to do something with the data coming over.

you shouldn't need a 3rd party for software though, there should be something that came with the soundcard. if it's on the motherboard, there should be some propriatary wave-capture software on that CD. if it's a creative labs soundcard, (or equilivant) you should be able to just look on the CD that came with the card, (or go download it again if you've lost it)

if you can look up the 'model number' of your soundcard, I'll be happy to go track down the support software behind it.

that being said, what ar eyou trying to do? You may be better off getting some high-end sound manipulation software. (Soundforge is my personal favorite)
and by get... I mean, go buy legally, in a store. for about a grand.
and, by 'go buy legally' i mean, go steal it online.
and, by 'online' I mean in sweeden. where such things are actually legal.

-RuskiFace the Pirate
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Re:Piracy Question
« Reply #22 on: February 09, 2006, 09:27:54 AM »

Well, I am trying to record some sound files from streaming audio files. I don't seem to have any software that will actually record streaming files of any sort. I tried the patch cable idea, but without a program to record from "line in" it's just no good. :-\

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Re:Piracy Question
« Reply #23 on: February 09, 2006, 09:52:41 AM »

okay, so get bit-torrent, go over to 'the pirate bay'
and find the most recent version of soundfordge.

-RuskiFace the Pirate

it's like photoshop... for your ears.

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Re:Piracy Question
« Reply #24 on: February 09, 2006, 10:51:59 AM »

I may have to look into that.

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Re:Piracy Question
« Reply #25 on: February 09, 2006, 11:48:27 AM »

I'd highly recomend it.

it's actually a really good site, and a really good program

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Ingo Monk

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Re:Piracy Question
« Reply #26 on: February 13, 2006, 06:02:27 PM »

accessing the hardware dirrectly is not a feat for the faint of heart.

if you are running a windows operating system, you can go look up the hardware address, (typically IRQ7 or IRQ5); and from there you could write a program to 'listen' to that address, and address any data coming through.

mostly, it's not set up for dirrect access. you need a program or interface to do something with the data coming over.

you shouldn't need a 3rd party for software though, there should be something that came with the soundcard. if it's on the motherboard, there should be some propriatary wave-capture software on that CD. if it's a creative labs soundcard, (or equilivant) you should be able to just look on the CD that came with the card, (or go download it again if you've lost it)

if you can look up the 'model number' of your soundcard, I'll be happy to go track down the support software behind it.

that being said, what ar eyou trying to do? You may be better off getting some high-end sound manipulation software. (Soundforge is my personal favorite)
and by get... I mean, go buy legally, in a store. for about a grand.
and, by 'go buy legally' i mean, go steal it online.
and, by 'online' I mean in sweeden. where such things are actually legal.

-RuskiFace the Pirate

Not 'legal' per-say... but not against-the-law.  Have you read that e-mail page they have up where they make fun of the people who e-mail them legal threats?  Hilarious stuff.

And for bit torrent clients:
I recommend Azureus, java based program that helps you manage your downloads (especially if you download multiple torrents at once).  It's much easier on CPU and Memory usage over BitTorrent or BitTornado too.

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Re:Piracy Question
« Reply #27 on: February 14, 2006, 01:58:14 PM »

 If all the world were paper,
And all the sea were ink,
If all the trees were bread and cheese,
What would we have to drink?

Yea. I use Azzy too.

and it IS illegal here in the US... it's just not illegal where it's hosted.


-RuskiFace the Pirate
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Re:Piracy Question
« Reply #28 on: October 20, 2006, 11:56:27 AM »

my self i like ruskies ideas    I typically use Nero Soundtrax for all my dubbing needs and stuff   It is a program that comes with nero 7 ultra it can record as mp3 or wma or wav
Tobias Andrion
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Re: Piracy Question
« Reply #29 on: June 17, 2008, 01:54:25 PM »

The patch cable isn't too expencive. you can get one at radio shack for about $1.99
I'd suggest getting a "Y" splitter too. (at annother $1.99) but it's not necessary.
basicly what you do for that, you take your speaker line out. (the one that goes to your speakers, so you can hear the sound, whatever source it may be from) and you plug in the splitter giving you the option to hook up (A) more speakers or (B) the patch cable.
you take the patch cable, and wire that into your microphone in.
so, your line out, is pumping into the microphone line.
then, when you go online and listen to whatever it is you want to hear, and it's pumping through your speakers, go to your accessories, and hit 'record'. it'll record whatever is playing over the speakers (be careful not to play space invaders at the same time, or you may get some interesting 'remix' effects)
it'll record as a .wav file. you can get some online converters to send it as a ring tone to your phone, or like nero, dump it into MP3 for your I-Pod, or burn it onto a CDR, copy that onto casette tape, and go play it in your friend's boom box.

generally, if you can see it on your monitor, listen to it through your speakers, or feel it through your force feedback joystick, you can record, and re-create it at your liesure.
the data is there. you have access to it. you just need to bypass whatever small security feature they've implemented to stop you.

all that crap about steve jobs trying to make it so you can't 'share' songs from your apple i-pod can be bypassed by this very same route.

take the patch cable, plug it from your I-pod to your mic in line. press play and record.
it's like magic!
only free. and you already own the hat, the rabbit, and magic wand.
-RuskiFace the Pirate
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