I recorded this a while back... and actually, it was far superior to the D&D movie they released in theaters. I mean, the CGI was way cheaper (the dragon looks like the leftovers they had after the first movie), and some of the makeup is crappy (I kept looking at the litch and wondering why they glued his top lip to his teeth)
But the story is far superior. Far FAR superior. The main character is an older fighter, and he brings his friend (a priest), a barbarian, and a rogue (not a halfling... maybe? He was short, but they didn't talk about it at all... maybe a LOTR thing) there are some specific 3rd Edition D&D refernces (Obad-Hai is the main god talked about during the entire movie), but overall, the movie was a lot of fun to watch.
The choreography of the fighting was the best I've seen in a movie other than Lord of the Rings in a long time... like, Willow good. (the people swordfighting actually looked like they knew what they were doing)
Oh, and Bruce Dern, the blue-lipped guy, does show up, but he's an undead... thing. And he has no blue lips. He's been un-alive for a hundred and fifty years or so, and he's trying to wipe out the city built on the ruins of the first movie's city. (I paid money to watch that movie- do I blame him?) So he's a bad guy.
I'm not going to rate it, because it was made-for-Sci-Fi-tv-movie, but I actually was pleasantly suprised with it.