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« Reply #1635 on: February 15, 2005, 06:57:53 PM »

Poison, I believe it's called "Casting" whereby a cheeseball Sci-Fi series is under-budgeted and can't afford to hire 500 actors, let alone 500 talented actors, you know?

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« Reply #1636 on: February 15, 2005, 07:24:38 PM »

No, 'Casting' is where they say "There are 12 models" and then show only 4 of them.

Limiting them to 12 models in the first place without a decent explaination as to why they wouldn't use a much more effective number is called 'Poor storyline'.
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« Reply #1637 on: February 16, 2005, 05:45:24 AM »

Ok, how many models of Fords are there? Now, how long did it take to get that way? Do you think that there is unlimited 4technology just to be tossed around? Do you even watch the show to find out the answers to this question? If not, then you should probably change the subject. There's nothing more agrivating than listening to someone (and I certainly include myself in this statement) bitch about something they have littel or no experience with. You don't watch the show: stop bitching about it. And if you do watch the shaow, then: why are you bitching about it but still watching it????

As for glitches in the pilot episode's dialog, you know as well as I do that ideas are written into a script and then altered over time. Are you a fan of Startrek TNG? If so, go back and watch Data smile like a damn fool in the very first episode and then tell me about emotionless andriods. The point is, some things get ironed out as the series progresses. To hold BSG up to some extreme standard simply because you are a cult follower of the original series is unfair in the extreme. You wouldn't do it to other shows. Why do it to this one.

And let's be honest here, the caracterization in the original series sucked dick. The only charaters who got any development were Starbuck and Apollo. Everyone else was as two-dimensional as it gets. And yes, I like the old episodes, but I am not gonig to use that against a series that has good stroies, good effect, and good characterization.

Gabriel (Off of :soapbox: now.)
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« Reply #1638 on: February 16, 2005, 09:16:53 AM »

perhaps they were out of skin colored parts.

suply and demand you know.

-RuskiFace the Pirate
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« Reply #1639 on: February 18, 2005, 08:56:51 AM »

Ok, how many models of Fords are there? Now, how long did it take to get that way? Do you think that there is unlimited 4technology just to be tossed around? Do you even watch the show to find out the answers to this question? If not, then you should probably change the subject. There's nothing more agrivating than listening to someone (and I certainly include myself in this statement) bitch about something they have littel or no experience with. You don't watch the show: stop bitching about it. And if you do watch the shaow, then: why are you bitching about it but still watching it????

As for glitches in the pilot episode's dialog, you know as well as I do that ideas are written into a script and then altered over time. Are you a fan of Startrek TNG? If so, go back and watch Data smile like a damn fool in the very first episode and then tell me about emotionless andriods. The point is, some things get ironed out as the series progresses. To hold BSG up to some extreme standard simply because you are a cult follower of the original series is unfair in the extreme. You wouldn't do it to other shows. Why do it to this one.

And let's be honest here, the caracterization in the original series sucked dick. The only charaters who got any development were Starbuck and Apollo. Everyone else was as two-dimensional as it gets. And yes, I like the old episodes, but I am not gonig to use that against a series that has good stroies, good effect, and good characterization.

Gabriel (Off of :soapbox: now.)

Ok, the Data thing is a failure of internal consistency.  That has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.
Besides which, Star Trek TNG was a progression on from Star Trek - it was set in a later time than the first series, with accompanying advancements in technology and politics.  BSG is not a progression, it's a remake, and as a remake it has an obligation to remain at least somewhat true to the original.

You're right that only Apollo and Starbuck got any sort of character development in the original - which is exactly why they shouldn't have changed Starbuck in the remake.  There is nothing about the character that even resembles Starbuck in the original.  They should have just named her something else and removed Starbuck altogether - better to cop criticism for leaving out a much-loved character than to butcher them.

Why did I watch the miniseries?  Because I wanted to give the thing a chance, even after I heard some of the changes that had been made.  So I watched it and made up my own mind.  It still retains some cool elements, like the Vipers, but the camerawork is shoddy (and in places nauseating).  As a stand-alone series it still has some premise/character problems, but as a remake it falls well short of the expectations of most people who remember the original.
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« Reply #1640 on: February 18, 2005, 09:23:48 AM »

first off, i like how you are using your icon to sign off. very cool.

*shrug* and if i stopped watching everything that's crapy, i wouldn't watch anything at all.

LOL and some times, the fun is in the complaining of it.

ever watch MST3K?

most fun i ever had with my brothers.

then you watch something else, and get to do your own running dialog.


but that's just me, sometimes, i just like to whine.

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« Reply #1641 on: February 18, 2005, 02:11:21 PM »

I'm with Poison on this one all the way.
If they wanted to do a space opera they could have tried for an origianal idea *gasp* and done something anything that was not a vivisection and
Frankensteinesque rebuild of something all ready out there.  
THere is nothing original left at SciFi now that Moya was sent to dry dock
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« Reply #1642 on: February 18, 2005, 02:35:26 PM »

I think we would all like to see Moya flying again. :'( Did you get a chance to see the Peacekeeper Wars mini they did to close the series???

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« Reply #1643 on: February 18, 2005, 04:09:19 PM »

whoa... missed something! what's moya? is that a firefly refrence?

-RuskiFace the Pirate
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« Reply #1644 on: February 19, 2005, 08:00:56 AM »

Moya is a space ship- a living ship.  Her crew were escaped prisoners, renegades, and Americans :D.  The reference was to the show Farscape.

And yeah I watched the mini.  Not bad.  You could see where they cut MAJOR corners in order to wrap a story in four hours that was inteded for ten.  Didn't care what they did to Jewel, but was disappointed about D'argo.  

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« Reply #1645 on: February 19, 2005, 05:56:36 PM »

All I'll say is that BSG survives past the first season, you will here me say "what kind of world do we live in when an original, well made space drama such as firefly gets cancelled after one season, and a crappy remake of the space opera BSG is allowed to survive?"

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« Reply #1646 on: February 28, 2005, 12:45:25 PM »

firefly was better i never could get into BSG.

or, that other one... LeXX was it?

it sucked too.

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« Reply #1647 on: March 01, 2005, 09:24:11 PM »

In all ways possible...

I never did get comfortable with the idea of that main character being a "space slut".

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« Reply #1648 on: March 02, 2005, 09:00:12 AM »

well, they knew the demographic they were aiming for...

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« Reply #1649 on: March 02, 2005, 10:18:44 AM »

The lonely pimple faced 13-45 yr old geek male segment?

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