Alright, now I guess I'm going to call my spirit, and command him to manifest right next to the elf, and use his confusion power on as many Orks as he can, 1 for every simple action.
Stats on the spirit are as follows
B: 3 Q: 4 S: 1 C: 2 W: 2 I: 2 R: 3 Initiative is 1d6 + 2 + 20 as it's astral, when it manifests, that's an exclusive complex action, where it then reverts to 2 + 11 + 1d6 Initiative.
Roll for init is 3.
I can use 2 simple actions to confuse 2 orks off the bat, giving them +2 to all their target numbers.
It can sustain 2 effects, so that's two confused Orks. The spirt will engage in melee with prince if need be, helping out with the "friends in combat" modifier.
Hey, little dude! Make them know how bogus the layout in this place really is!
[to Prince]Here's a little help, dude!
<Okay. Done. -GM>