Does anyone else think that she is the most accident-proned person you've ever seen in your life? She's been "killed" 3 times in 3 weeks!!! Frag that! I am avoiding Odessa Texas if I can help it.
As for Sylar, I'm thinking he is a really fragged up version of Rogue. I think the reason he is killing the "specials" is to gain their powers. Think about it. He keeps targeting them, even when it is a major undertaking, like when he went after the little girl. I think she is a latent "special" and he was targeting her when he killed her parents. And when he gets one of them, he devours their brains so that he can absorb thier powers. I think it might be a bit of a clue that Claire was "dead" until the stick was removed from the base of her brain, thus letting her powers kick back in.
And has anyone else noticed that everyone's powers seem to have a balancing factor? Claire can regenerate from anything accept if it's damaging her brain/spinal cord. The brothers can fly, but so far have only done so when in close proximety. The hooker has an alter ego, who seems to be a murdering psychopath. The artist can tap into the future, but only when he's smacked up. Hiro, well, maybe his litting factor is that he is pretty much useless other than his powers, but I think we will see his balance sooner or later.
Oh, and by show of hands, who think's the doctor's "neighbor" is a spy for Claire's dad???