well, what's a name really? a designation of who we are... a way to make ourselves diffrent from thoes arround us? something that you exchange in a first meeting, so that all of the values and properties that we each have, are entitled under one 'name'
you know, i've had friends that defined their 'name' in my mind for a particular persona.
so, I'd see something, or witness someone doing something and think: whoa, that's 'parman'
the name becomes a definition of who we are, written by our actions.
so, in choosing your own name, the actual letters and ocasional numbers don't actually have much of a meaning other than what we provide as a backdrop.
if it's 'RuskiFace the Pirate' or Shadow-Punch-Sneeking-Night-Guy or Fred Jones...
so, with that in mind: picking a name is only half the battle. the second half is making that name mean something. weather it's posting
'J00 were HACKED by RuskiFace the Pirate' acrost the internet, so that my name inspires a degree of dread to thoes who reconise it, or helping little old ladies cross the road and proclaiming yourself 'the last boyscout'
actually, now that I think of it... the names that we give to ourselves rarely reflect the names that our friends think of us as.
My friends picked 'RuskiFace' as my nickname. and although I've chosen to embrace it, it was their creation to begin with.