well, you have to realise that there are differing goals there.
1) in table-top RPG you can get creative with your running away to save your own skin, and if you do die, the GM will normally alow you to roll up a new guy, and dump you into the adventure somehow.
2) in an MMORPG, the goal of the company is to keep you playing for as long as possible. a feat you can't pull off, if you are dead.
now, they made some real improvements with the whole 'get exp for compleating a quest and not just for grinding mobs'
but still, the primary focus of the game is combat.
with the tabletop, i've gone whole sessions without drawing my sword and trying to kill something.
i've even gone a couple of sessions without taking dammage.
if you fight enough, you will eventually die.
if you have a party, they give you a good chance of stopping the bleeding at 0 HP, and then binding you up after the fight.
-RuskiFace the Pirate