*nods* one reason i liked using them in the little FF kinda game, most the vamps they were against were new licks, kinda like the runner who just got a beta body ad thinks he's hottest on the streets only to find he is as hot as liquid oxygen.
Biggest threat was one who had Cybered parts using Cybernecromancy, figured it out not to long after i got the cybertech book, helped counter the rejection with-out all the problems, at least, some of them. They found a vamp with a move by wire system is a really nasty thing, till you nail one on the back with a sledge and mess the system up, then.. well, fave joke from a comic..
"Whats white, and goes Snap, Crackle, Pop?"
Your collarbone!
figured with all the strength, (normal vamp and cybered junk) the seizures were enough to make them crack their own bones. Runners didnt off him, ended up selling him to highest bidding corp for research.. Good idea, though if had been able to continue the Game they might have gone.. "damn... maybe that wasnt a good idea"