Cybernetic Phyical Mage Samurai:
Go full magician but as a Path of the Magician adept and pick 3 points of adept powers (improved athletics II, improved implant weaponry I, improved (insert ranged weapon) II, and 3 points of Magical power. Now get 3 points worth of cyberware, spend some money on a rating 1 Cyberspur Weapon Focus, use that as an implant. Take some geasa and voila, a combat adept with the ability to learn and cast at least force 1 spells safely. Spells like armor, redirect, and deflect. As they initiate they can throw off their geas and then be nasty kinds of powerful, and proceed up to force 3 armor spells. Not to mention health spells like increase attribute and heal.
I remember mages that would cast improved attribute spells and lock them with spell locks er I mean, sustaining foci. What's worse than a nova-hot decker? A nova hot decker with a bear shaman bolstering his intellect?