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Author Topic: Xover fic.  (Read 1696 times)


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Xover fic.
« on: February 03, 2006, 02:44:14 PM »

Ok, I got the idea after reading a World of Darkness/X-Men fic over at Idylls of the Cat.  I figured I'd try a similar concept (story is completely different) using Shadowrun.  It has nothing to do with any character I may/may not play.  I'd like to get this one completed, and may ask for help in keeping the story going.

BTW, the real action is pending, so please don't flame the opening.  After all, there's gotta be a smooth run every once in a while, right?

Shadowrun/X-Men Xover

Disclaimer:  The characters, despite being mangled from the originals, belong to Marvel.  Shadowrun and the world it inhabits exists under open gaming rules, but otherwise belongs to FanPro.


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Re:Xover fic.
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2006, 02:45:03 PM »

In 2011, Magic returned to the world, heralded by the births of dwarves and elves to apparently normal humans and within a few years some people began transforming into orcs and trolls, giving rise to what was termed 'metahumanity'.  Dragons, spirits, and other mystical creatures appeared.  Rapid advances in technology led to easily obtainable cybernetic and bionic enhancements, as well as giving people the ability to make direct connections from their brains to computer networks and even to control vehicles.  Corporations became the new 'governments' and political lines across the globe were redrawn.

In this world, a new breed of barely legal operative formed:  Shadowrunners.  These included both the various types of magic users and those who chose technology to ply their trade.


Light drizzle permeated the sprawl, more or less ignored by the residents.  From the roof of a building in a relatively affluent neighborhood, a young elf peered through the scope of her sniper rifle.

"Got the target in sight." She said quietly, knowing the microphone taped to her throat would easily pick up anything she said.  She was hoping to make enough to upgrade to one of the subvocals soon.

"Hold your fire, Cat.  'Manda's still workin' her mumbo jumbo."

She allowed herself a tight smile at her friend and mentor's choice of words, "Sure thing, Logan."

Cat readjusted to a slightly more comfortable position.  She ran one finger over the trigger guard, briefly recalling how she'd 'acquired' the weapon off an Aries security guard.  He'd been too focused on other runners she'd been working with at the time to notice when she slipped up and knifed him.

The young shadowrunner wasn't about to make the same mistake, however, and had set up a simple trap that would alert her if anyone tried to sneak up on her.  It was little more than some fragile shards of glass scattered across the roof, but anyone walking on it would make enough noise for her to hear.

Amanda's voice came over the radio then, "I'm done.  The magical traps and detection spells are taken care of."

"Good." Logan answered, "Cat, if ya still have the shot, take it."

"Right."  Cat adjusted her aim, but before she could pull the trigger, the heavy-set man moved behind a wall. She swore, "Aw, frell!  He moved.  I don't have the shot anymore."

"'Frell'?" Amanda repeated.

"Cat was watching her old 2D shows again last night."

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, Doug.  Like you weren't--Oh, wait a sec."  The man had returned.  She fired and watched with satisfaction as he dropped, "Target's down, one of you guys want to confirm?"

"I got it." Doug answered and Cat saw a recon drone hover into view. "Yep, life signs null.  Let's go get paid."

Cat started breaking down the rifle, placing each section in the custom case she used to carry it.  She had just finished when she heard the roof access door open.  She slipped behind a vent, remaining in the shadows to observe the pair of teenage humans who had apparently decided to use the roof as a make-out place.  Cat waited until they were too preoccupied with each other to notice her and rappelled over the side of the building.  As soon as she was on the ground, she took a small cylinder out of a belt pouch and touched the rope, causing the entire length to disintegrate.

"What kept you?"  Logan asked when she finally reached the rendezvous site.

"Had a couple visitors show up on the roof." She answered, "Don't worry; they were too obsessed with each other to notice me."


They climbed into the waiting t-bird, joining Doug and Amanda.  Cat immediately stashed her rifle in one of the secure lockers and took a seat.  

"So," Doug grinned as he took off, "Think we'll get a bonus for getting done early?"

Cat rolled her eyes, "Do we ever?"


"Just shut up and fly." Logan growled.

The two youngest members of the group exchanged grins.  Sometimes it was just too easy to annoy the grizzled street samurai.


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Re:Xover fic.
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2006, 04:20:31 PM »

Kurt was waiting in the hanger when they got back.  It was actually an old warehouse the team had pooled together and rented as a place to rendezvous and store their larger or more dangerous gear.

"How did it go?"

"Cat got the kill." Logan answered.

The Night One didn't reply, as he was otherwise occupied with Amanda.

When Cat got off, Logan grabbed her as she made a beeline for her motorcycle. "You need to talk?"


Logan nodded and let her go.  He knew, despite her apparent lighthearted attitude earlier, how much she hated assassination runs.  Unfortunately, she was good at it, and it wasn't like she could just refuse.  As an Adept, she didn't need to worry as much about keeping up with new cybergear, but she did need money to pay the contacts she needed to track down what happened to her parents.

Doug came out in time to see Cat take off on her bike.

"Where's she going?"

"Out." Was Logan's terse reply.

"But...we just got back."

"She usually does this after an assassination."


"Cat's good at what she does.  Doesn't mean she likes it.  You drive us in and run the matrix.  A lot of times, Cat's the one who's gotta pull the trigger.  Think about that."

"Then why does she do it?"

"Because it pays well and she needs the money.  Anything more, you'll have to ask her yourself."
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