really, what it comes down to with thoes 'rice burners' is the power:weight ratio.
you put a big enginge in a heavy car... and it'll go fast, you put a little enginge in a light car, and it'll go probibly the same amount of fast.
to really 'get ahead' you need to shave weight off of the frame, and increase the enginge power.
so you get your built 502 big-block chevy, slap a blower on it for a nice round 500 horsepower, add 'genie in a bottle' to slap on another 200 horse, and throw it into the lighest car frame that can hold it... and you've got lightning on four-wheels.
you can bump it up further by going with an aluminum block (such as the new corvette motor) all alluminum frame, carbon-fiber hood, doors, everything... and have something with so much power it's tough to keep the wheels on the ground.
or, you can just go how I figured: and get a motorcycle.
for about $4K, you can get a used bike, bone stock, that will beat the dual-supercharged dodge viper.
-RuskiFace the Pirate