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Author Topic: Spells at Sea  (Read 26270 times)


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Re:Spells at Sea
« Reply #75 on: March 01, 2006, 09:59:45 AM »

Maybe a sustaining focus. That witch was pretty bad-hoop.

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Re:Spells at Sea
« Reply #76 on: March 01, 2006, 11:43:51 AM »

Well, technically, it's better to cast two sustained spells at once, as then you don't receive the penalty for sustaining until both are cast. Of course, that isn't necessarily true, but you know...
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Re:Spells at Sea
« Reply #77 on: April 12, 2006, 06:12:17 PM »

I could see it. How about a SURGED form of Lotus plant. Remeber that thing in the Odesy (I think it was the Odessy) about he Lotus Eaters??? An entire city that was stoned out of its gourd because of the winds blowing down from the hils covered in narcotic plants. Everyone was halucinating all the time. Think about something like that SURGEing in an isolated region where it had time to take root and really grow.


or real world incedent the salem wich trails  :mercy:
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Re:Spells at Sea
« Reply #78 on: April 13, 2006, 06:33:24 AM »

Re: Megalodons

Yeah, you'd think so, but even a naval blast won't kill something that regenerates.

As for mana-storms, there certainly are, but I'm not certain about whether or not they occur underwater, considering the static mana-flux generated by all the life in the water.

Waitwaitwaitwaitwait... You mean there are freaking magically awakened versions of those monsters! Or are the old ones people talk about originally awakened or what?? and how often do you see something like that?? Lord... as if water wasnt bad enough for me damn it....
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Re:Spells at Sea
« Reply #79 on: April 13, 2006, 10:19:55 AM »

As an interesting bit, for casting spells at sea.

Average height of crow's nest on "average" size vessels (Coast guard cutters, Naval cruisers) is 150ft-300ft.

On a clear day, that would allow someone to see for approximately 4 miles (I think. . .) or to the limit of sight.

Add binoculors, or better yet a telescope, flat sea, magical sight enhancers, cybereyes with focus control and high level zooms. . . Forget snipers, mages can waste everyone on the deck of a ship from 20+miles away! Or sink it directly. . .

Anyway, I am bad at guesstimating distance, so I'll ask you. . .
What do you think the maximum range is for a mage (Or sorcery adept) thusly decked out is?
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Re:Spells at Sea
« Reply #80 on: April 13, 2006, 02:04:32 PM »

range of sight
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Re:Spells at Sea
« Reply #81 on: April 13, 2006, 02:26:58 PM »

Yeah... if it were possible, Megas would have a kabal of mages up in Z-O dropping spells on people from orbit. Luckilym it isn't possible, so everyone is stuck to line of sight.

As far as I understand it, when you're out in the open sea, the only thing blocking line of sight is curvature of the earth, so get down with your bad dance self. Whether through visual magnification or some type of cyberwear, if you can see it, you can nuke it.

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Re:Spells at Sea
« Reply #82 on: April 13, 2006, 06:21:14 PM »

The reason that the don't do the death from space thing, is

Firstly, Mages don't like space, due to the Nearly Dead Magic zone that space is.

Second, Orbiting mages are limited by the surface weather (clouds, Sunflare, etc.)

Additionally, either SR3 Corebook, or Magic in the Shadows says that LOS spells can have their range increased if it is still that character's natural vision. (Binoculars still use your natural eyes. Same for telescopes.)

The only things that can NOT extend your sight range are non-natural sight, such as TV, Security cameras, Matrix video feeds

So I think that it would work very well.

Certainly puts a damper on border crossing over the sea, or sky.

Along the same lines, put mages in blimps, out on the deck and use them Anywhere for the same effect. . .
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Re:Spells at Sea
« Reply #83 on: April 14, 2006, 12:34:31 AM »

gives a new defenition of a gun boat dont it
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Re:Spells at Sea
« Reply #84 on: April 14, 2006, 06:42:39 AM »

Sight range can also be increased by mirrors and other optical devices, like fiberoptic seeing tubes with prism switchers.
"Why do I care? Personally, I think everyone smells a little bit better when their flesh is smouldering..."    ---Dros, Vindictive Fire Mage


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Re:Spells at Sea
« Reply #85 on: April 26, 2006, 08:04:58 PM »

im new and i dont have much.....
could i by a book from some1?


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Re:Spells at Sea
« Reply #86 on: April 26, 2006, 08:05:48 PM »

Err. What book are you looking for?
"Why do I care? Personally, I think everyone smells a little bit better when their flesh is smouldering..."    ---Dros, Vindictive Fire Mage


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Re:Spells at Sea
« Reply #87 on: April 26, 2006, 10:39:33 PM »

If you live in a major urban center, you should have some hobby stores nearby. Give us the city, and we'll look one up for you. (Same goes if you are in the country, but are willing to drive ;) . . .)
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Re:Spells at Sea
« Reply #88 on: April 27, 2006, 08:24:28 AM »

or, for thoes who are bouth financially strapped, and technically aware... there are OTHER options available to you.

Just depends on your own personal moral compas.

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Re:Spells at Sea
« Reply #89 on: May 02, 2006, 06:38:15 AM »

or, for thoes who are bouth financially strapped, and technically aware... there are OTHER options available to you.

Just depends on your own personal moral compas.

-RuskiFace the Pirate

And who you know.

But back to the LOS thing, if you have LOS, then the spell works just fine, but remember, you have to be able to see your target, not just that there is a target there. This isn't canon, just common sense. Seeing a guy 4 miles off on a clear day with no vision magnification would be possible, but I would rule that there is a +4TN since all you can really see is a figure WAY off. Yes, you can target him, but you would have trouble doing it. Again, just my personal GM style, but there you are.

So being up 150 ft.. from the center of gravity of a boat would probably be a very unstable platform to aim off of, especially with a telescope. The roll of the ocean magnified by the hieght of the mast and the shifting angle of the telescope would give you a ton of movement. I would think that would make casting a spell tough, much less keeping your sights centered on your target. I just picture old WWII gun sight footage I've seem from naval battles. You'd have thought those ships were on springs the way they were moving.

Of course, if you have a stable plaftorm to work with, have some fun. Imagine being in a hot air balloon or a zeplin. They're pretty stable. You bolt on a high powered telescope and have some fun casting random spells on people bellow. Imagine floating over a public pool with a Control Emotion spell. You could have ALL KINDS of fun with that. Or maybe a Magic Fingres spell. The mind reals.

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