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The January Run
« on: February 24, 2006, 01:22:44 PM »

The man sits at his desk, the only lights in the room coming from the small screen on which replays a short video.

A man comes into the stuffer shack, and goes back to use the restroom. A few minutes later, a woman enters and begins shopping. Moments behind her, a second man enters, moving directly to the C@FP0W machine.

The woman continues shopping, stocking a hand cart with groceries. The man at the C@FP0W machine undresses, wrapping his shirt around his head, and starts taking the machine apart. Within minutes, he has already rewired the machine and set it to distil greater amounts of caffine in a non-nicotine form.

A group of armed gunmen enter the store, threatening the clerk. The clerk starts stuffing cash money into a bag, and hands it over. When the thugs turn to threaten the Caffine Man and the woman with the groceries, all hell breaks loose.

At this point, the man taps a key and the images slow down. The woman breaks her basket over the thug's head, the caffine man takes his clothes and throws them in the face of his assailant, following it with a karate kick.

They each struggle breifly with thier opponents, and then the man from the bathroom emerges with a suprised look on his face.

For a moment the combat continues, with a few shotgun blasts punctuating the fights. From the man who exited the bathroom, there is an extraordinary flash of light. The man briefly rewinds the tape, and slows it down even more. A bolt of lightning flashes from him to the thugs, arcing from one to the next.

Within seconds, all of the assailants are down, and the three shoppers move around, picking up thier clothes and groceries. They take the bag the clerk stuffed with money, and discuss something for a moment.

The man wishes he knew what they were saying, but there's no sound in the video. The discussion leads to the Caffine man jumping up on the counter and disabling the primary camera, pulling both the tape of the incident and the backup tape of the incident out of thier respective hiding places. He hands one tape to the woman, and shoves the second in the store microwave, pushing a few buttons and closing the door.

Around this time, another man comes into the store, looks around in shock, and then starts stealing goods.

After a few moments, all of the survivors leave, and the store is empty.

The man stops the tape, and the lights in the room come on. His superior and a secretary stare at the last frame of the video, still up on the screen. The superior looks over a few files he has sitting in front of him on the desk, and then looks at the man. "You're sure these are them?"

The man nods, pressing another button and the image of the video is replaced with enhanced screens of each of the survivors, alongside stock photos of them. The stock photos are also attached to each of the files in front of his superior. "We are reasonably sure. The video was enhanced, and as you can see, these are each of the survivors."

His superior's brow furrowed, looking at each enhanced image and the photos next to them. "If they took the tapes, how do we have a copy of this?"

The man was prepared for this. "They took the primary and backup copy for the primary camera system, which was probably blown out in the electrical explosion. This is the secondary camera, hidden behind the mirror toward the back of the store. It was not disabled by the blast, and they did not remove the recording from it." He paused for a second to let his superior process that, and then continued. "As you saw, one copy of the tape survived. We are currently trying to obtain it."

His superior shook his head. "That won't be necessary. Go ahead and make contact with them, and brief them and a few of our regulars on the... job opportunity."

With this, the meeting was over, and the superior and secretary moved to exit. The man pulled a phone from his pocket, and started dialing.

((This is a continuation of the 'It's 3am and You're Hungry Thread, showing AJ the ropes of a basic shadowrun. Apparently she already had combat down, so we're moving on to bigger and badder things! Meeting with a J! Legwork! Even A Double Cross Maybe! New players are more than welcome to jump in, but this is going to be fairly fast paced- posting once a day (at least) during the week. We'll let you have the weekends off.

If you're interested, and you haven't already, PM me a character, and let the games begin!))
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
2) Shoot More
3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
                                 -Samus Bravo
                                (Mercury's Father)


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Re:The January Run
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2006, 02:51:25 PM »

Raymond sits in the arcade... a moment of pure zen.
thanks to the little bit of magic and little bit more of modern chemistry; his wound was all but healed... but that wasn't on his mind right now... right now; it was all about the game... That's probibly why he was thinking about his shotgun wound... it was the first time in a couple of weeks that he didn't notice it. the effects of the pain have finally been overtaken by the power of his mind.

in front of him, digitized fighters danced a balet... jump forward, strong kick attack, countered by low block, forward flip and a backhand slap. (dubbed 'the pimp' manuver by thoes in the know) an easy block. but Raymond was counting on that. it was a common move, and the responce to it was almost automatic, but he had won the game at that point. it was thirty moves out, but he could see it. a cold rush fell into the pit of his stomach. it was time.
[color=00ff00]powerball slide.[/color]
[color=ff6666]predictable break manuver.[/color]
[color=9933ff]low helo[/color], countered by [color=ff0033]low punch[/color]. the hit drains only a small amount of life.
the fool dosn't even see it coming.
slide-step. down block.
the oponent is getting confused. where did the masterfull plays for power go? the unimaginable combo speed...
andother slide-step.
another down block. this one is early. the oponent is getting lasy. thinking they know everything.
it continues
[color=ff3333]attack[/color], [color=99ccff]block[/color], counter-atack,[color=ffff99] break-attack jump[/color]
the dance at this point is automatic.
the moves, elementry. simple, as simple as it is cunning.
and then, the point of no return.
[color=cc6600]Downward Ki Blast.[/color]
[color=ffff33]delta-combo[/color] into[color=ffcc33] downward samauri-chop[/color]
fear sets in.
why can't the combo be broken?
[color=ccff66]Dive-Axe Kick.[/color]
figure it out yet?
[color=336633]Limber summersault.[/color]
it's the footing.
[color=ccff66]Dive-Axe [/color]again. block is a quarter-second slow.
[color=00ff66]Sliding overhand assault.[/color]
the ground at this point is lower. you blocked your way right into it.
[color=ff99ff]Jumangi flying cow[/color]
the combo-break points are raised a fraction of an inch.
10% remaining.
time for the cu-de-grace
Tiger[color=ffcc99]-claw[/color] [color=ccff66]death[/color] combo.
[color=33ff33]block breaker[/color]

the earth shakes.

it is done.

taking a step back from the machine, Raymond looks at his surroundings in a new light. everything is brighter. the air tastes better. his caff-pow cup is half full.
today is going to be a good day.

Two men in suits approach as you finish your combo. One of them actually seems to know what you're doing and looks impressed. The other one is a little older, and looks like he's had a bad day made worse by the gum he just stepped in.

"Mr. Raymond Theodore Lovelace? Will you please come with us?"
« Last Edit: February 28, 2006, 09:06:06 AM by Kid_Vid »
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Re:The January Run
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2006, 09:59:57 PM »

Now that I'm full and my blades cleaned, I put a movie on and flop onto the couch.  The tape from the security is on the table and I figure I'll show it to my sister when her band gets back from a competition somewhere out east.

I setttle back as the opening music blasts from the speakers and glowing blue words begin scrolling up the screen.  The movie might be an eighty year old flatscreen movie, but I've loved it since I found it and the other five in the stuff my grandma left Mom.

It's also the source of my street name.  Sharon used to tease me about it when we were kids.  She intentionally butchered the lead character's name, saying I wanted to be the next Starhiker.  I only pretended to be mad.  She still thinks it's funny I kept the nickname.

The words finish scrolling and the action starts.  I just watch and enjoy the movie.

You hear a knock at the door.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2006, 09:06:34 AM by Kid_Vid »


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Re:The January Run
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2006, 12:25:06 AM »

*Pulling into his condo garage on the downtown side of seattle he hits the button to close his garage.  Pulling off his helmet he slips it onto the handle of the bike and without a thought pulls his sword from the holder on the side.  Going into his condo he puts his stuff down he got from the shack on the counter.  He goes into the living room and hits the home comm.  "Still no messages from Sensei guess I am still too hot to bring back."  His thoughts immediately go to the fresh scar on his back.  Even though the doctors could of removed it Yoshi chose to keep it as a reminder that nothing in life is easy.  Going back to the kitchen he puts the stuff into the refridgerator.  Sitting on the stool in the kitchen he pours himself a small glass of saki'.  Sipping it he looks about his living quarters again.  Quite nice by most standards and well furnished he hardly uses it though.  The guest room stuff is all in the garage in storage giving him plenty of space to practice and his bedroom has very few amenities either.  Probably the most luxurious thing in there is the fouton for his back.  Stretching a bit even though he didn't get in the physical fight in the shack he was up late at the bar with that game of chess with Bobby.  That mentally draining in itself not letting anything slip as well as keeping his mind on the game.  Bobby is with LoneStar and probably wouldn't react well to his line of profession.  Going to the bedroom he strips off the kimono and hangs it up then pulls off the tight formfitting full body armor.  He then steps in the shower turning the water only to about luke warm as not to irritate his back.  Though there is no pain anymore the phantom feelings still linger and heat just doesn't agree with it.  Cleaning up he comes out in his robe and turns on the trid fliping to the political news channel.  He likes keeping up on the current events in the goverment since Seattle is probably one of the biggest hotbeds there is for the UCAS right now.  Putting his sword next to his fouton he lays down gently adn dozes off to the sounds of yet another senator babbling about black ops and shadowrunners threat.

You awaken suddenly to the sounds of someone at the door of your small apartment. There's a knock, and a muffled voice on the other side of the door.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2006, 09:07:49 AM by Kid_Vid »


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Re:The January Run
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2006, 09:09:34 AM »

((I was hoping for at least one other person to join in on this run, but we'll add them in as soon as I hear something definite from either of them.))

Each of you is approached by two men dressed in black suits. They call you by your full, legal name, and ask you to come with them.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2006, 01:49:24 PM by Kid_Vid »
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
2) Shoot More
3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
                                 -Samus Bravo
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Re:The January Run
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2006, 09:18:28 AM »

"Whoa! Did I set some kind of record? I've actually won larger tournaments before, but I must admit, finishing a tournament with 90% of my life still remaining is pretty good. Did you guys see that combo? poor slot didn't know what hit him! HAHAHAHA Normally all I get is a T-shirt or something with a cool digital logo on it... you guys going to give me a full running suit or something whiz? would there be a non-modification policy to it? because I like to put my name on the stuff I win... Kinda works like double recognition, you guys get name-brand acceptance, and I get my name in lights as well. You know, I've always wondered why there aren't more sponcerships out  there for games. Hey! I just got an Idea! I could train a group of guys, only the best; I know a buncha people in this biz who would love to get sponcered!"
Raymond gibbers allong like only a winning caffeen addict can.

The younger man follows for a moment, and then gestures outside. "Sir, if you'd come with us, we have a car waiting for you." the older man tugs at his belt and moves toward the outside, looking rather grouchy.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2006, 09:22:51 AM by Kid_Vid »
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Re:The January Run
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2006, 10:27:19 AM »

"Whoa! is it a Limo? I always wanted to ride in a limo? did you know that some of them have a satalite uplink? that would be whiz! I have an emulator here in my bag that lets me play war-crack on the fly... it would be cool to play from a limo!
wait... outside? where are we going? to japan? where the game was created? the head office of metsuhama software? isn't that in denver? should I pack a lunch? some new pants?"

Raymond follows the suits, using his imagination to create all sorts of wonderfull rewards and game playing contracts for his future.

Outside, a small black limosine awaits. Both of the men take up point positions, one putting out an arm to guild the gamer toward the back door. The second opens the door and looks around, watching the empty edges of the rooftops.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2006, 01:42:14 PM by Kid_Vid »
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Re:The January Run
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2006, 11:53:36 AM »

I groan to myself when I hear the knock.  For a minute, I think it's one of the neighbors complaining about the volume of my sound system and almost immediately dismiss it.  They don't knock, they pound.  Not that I play it as loud as the troll down the hall, but despite the fact she's a low-level wageslave decker, most of the other tenents buy into the bad-ass troll stereotype and leave her alone in favor of the 'helpless' unchromed elven girl.

"Just a sec!" I yell as I get off the couch.  I keep one eye on the trid, even though I know exactly what's happening.  One the way, I pass through the kitchen and hide the security tape behind the ice tray in the freezer.  Dad's visit yesterday was a fresh reminder not every visitor knows about--or would appreciate--my current occupation.

I crack the door, leaving the chain latched, "Yeah, what is it?"

In the background, I hear the tense music and the hissing of a blast door being burned through and hope I'm not in for a similar situation.

Two very bored looking men in black suits stand at the door. "Amanda Jennifer Crystalwind? May we have a moment of your time?"
« Last Edit: February 28, 2006, 01:40:35 PM by Kid_Vid »


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Re:The January Run
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2006, 02:15:39 PM »

Black suits.  I'm not quite sure what they want, but suits usually mean one of the corporations.  Fortunately, I'm still new enough in the shadows I haven't had any of the big runs yet that really piss them off (I think.  There was the Noodle Incident a couple months ago...).  These guys do know my real name, though, which could be a problem.


I close the door far enough to unhook the chain and pull the door back open, waiting for them to talk.

"We have a car downstairs waiting for you. There is some matter of importance that we've been asked to contact you about."
« Last Edit: February 28, 2006, 02:25:50 PM by Kid_Vid »


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Re:The January Run
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2006, 02:34:29 PM »

Pulling on his formfitting armor then slipping on his armor clothing which is very streamlined compared to his kimono.  He the slips on the secure long coat and slips his sword into the back rig without thought.  Walking to the front door he pulls out his two machine pistols and switches them to full auto.  Holstering the weapons he looks through the peephole to see who it is.

"Who is it?  Please identify yourself gentlemen and your purpose.  Judging where they are in the peephole i place the muzzles of my guns near center mass of their bodies.  Then he just waits for a response to his inquiry.

There are two men wearing black suits at the door. "We were asked to contact you by a past employer about a work opportunity. I'm afraid I'm not allowed to say more than that. We have a car waiting for you downstairs."
« Last Edit: February 28, 2006, 03:45:34 PM by Kid_Vid »


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Re:The January Run
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2006, 04:01:11 PM »

Raymond ducks into the cab, curious as to why the guy is watching the rooftops. do snipers often take shots on up and coming celebrities? was he going to become a celebrity? would he have to sign stuff? like girl's brests? hmm... he would have to change his signiture... perhaps just drop it down to 'ray' ... that's what he put in the arcades where you could only put three letters... hmm... perhaps he should start practicing to make his 'ray' signiture look like the 'ray' block caps from the game... he was just wondering about going online with the satalite uplink when he started to look arround and saw something even more interesting.

"wow! a mini-bar! that's even better than a satalite uplink! is this real vodka? is it complamentry?

The man in the black suit who doesn't look like he's tired of you nods and points toward the minibar. "Have as much as you want. We will be having a business meeting in about twenty minutes, though, so pace yourself." He puts a finger to his earpiece and moves inside, letting the other man close the door and settle in. The limo only moves about twenty feet before stopping to wait for a second car, one waiting in front of an apartment building down the block.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2006, 04:35:42 PM by Kid_Vid »
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Re:The January Run
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2006, 04:02:16 PM »

I sigh.  Looks like I won't get to finish watching the movie tonight.  Or is it morning now?

I pull my attention back to the suits.

"Fine, let me grab my jacket."

Normally, I'd probably be a bit more cautious, but I still have enough of an adrenaline high from the fight, and if I'm going to have to give up movie night, I may as well get this over with.

I grab my jacket from where I'd dropped it earlier, but skip the blades this time.  I can do just as much damage with my hands, I just like the blades because they're more intimidating.  My pistol is still in the concealed holster clipped to the inside of my jacket, so at least I'll have some firepower if the drek hits the fan.

I turn off the trid and go back to the door, "Alright, I'm ready."

At least I got to finish my dinner.

The two men in suits flank you as they walk you downstairs to where a limo is waiting outside your building. The one who spoke before gestures to it, and then starts scanning the building rooftops for potential snipers. You can tell these guys are trained bodyguards.
"Miss Crystalwind, if you would be kind enough to step inside?"

« Last Edit: February 28, 2006, 04:39:01 PM by Kid_Vid »


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Re:The January Run
« Reply #12 on: February 28, 2006, 04:52:51 PM »

"Just a minute please I just have one more thing to grab.:  Putting my pistols away and moving away from the door.Going back to my bedroom i pull out the two collapisible batons.   SLipping them into my pockets.  I go back to the door and open it up to the two guards.  "I do hope you will be able to explain more in the vehicle if it is security your worried about."  Following them to whatever car they are talking about.

The two men in suits nod as you come out the door, giving you the once-over. When they are satisfied, they move to flank you, walking down the stairs toward the parking garage, where a sleek black limo waits. One guard moved to hold the door for him, and the other stood behind him, scanning the windows facing this way.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2006, 05:29:24 PM by Kid_Vid »


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Re:The January Run
« Reply #13 on: February 28, 2006, 04:57:55 PM »

Hmmm... good hooch. limo ride. winning the tournament... this defenitly was a good day.

I'll ride arround in the car, make myself a couple of martinis and offer them to the guys who picked me up, the driver, and anyone else who's arround i'm feeling chartiable. i'm a celebrity! wohoo!
they might as well get some enjoyment out of it as well. I promise not to tell anyone.


The man who has been doing most of the talking up until this point puts a finger to his ear, listening to the comm he has in his ear. "If you'll excuse us Sir, we need to make a stop very quickly. One of the other cars is not responding."

The limo turns left, and stops near an almost identical black limo, where some sort of ... explosion... or something... blew one of the doors off. The man in charge signals the driver to keep going, and speaks into the microphone on his wrist.

"We need a pickup and cleanup on Weatherly. Target 4 might have flown the coop." He looks back up to you with a smile, and gestures for you to take advantage of the minibar.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2006, 03:26:51 PM by Kid_Vid »
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Re:The January Run
« Reply #14 on: February 28, 2006, 10:52:06 PM »

When I see the limo, I wonder if I'm getting in over my head on this one.  I also wonder why the suits are checking the roofs; in this neighborhood, the biggest problems are usually at street level.

"Miss Crystalwind, if you would be kind enough to step inside?"

I roll my eyes as I climb into the limo.  I usually prefer A.J.--or Starhiker when I'm on a run--but I figure trying to press the issue with these guys would be a waste of time.

I look around the interior, "Nice."

The two men sit facing you, and one gestures to the minibar. "Feel free to drink whatever you want- but we will be having a business meeting shortly, so please don't overdo it."
« Last Edit: March 01, 2006, 03:21:25 PM by Kid_Vid »
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