The man with the cigarette listens to each of you in turn and then waits for his chance to speak.
"I have the research in front of me already. Although I wouldn't waste time giving it to you, because you would just consider it suspect and research it yourself anyway, I have no reason to believe that this run will be anything but a milkrun. I would do it myself, but my position means that I can't be directly involved."
He turns to the man who seems to be coming out of his delerium, answering his questions first. "I don't know the corp, only the subsidiary, one MegaFOOD Inc. They're a supplier of vending machines and drink mixers in the greater Seattle area. They do a lot of product research, but not quite AA. You can do your own research, and draw your own conclusions." He pauses to take a draw from his cigarette. "And yes, I have talked to your previous employer. Singular. They were quite happy to share the details about you, because they were eager to track you down and ... who was the older man? It doesn't matter. In any case, you, Rayman, and Miss Starhiker are here not because you're the best, not because you're the cheapest, but because we have leverage to make you do what we want, and you have skills we need."
He takes another draw on the cigarette, settling his sights on Rayman, as though done with that part of the conversation. "And four hundred thousand seems excessive, Especially considering that twenty thousand is standard for anything not involving wetwork. And seeing as how your job at McHugh's only paid you 6Y an hour, I don't see how even that would be something to scoff at."
He pauses to cough, and then continues, "I'm not suggesting that you do this for free, although we do have the leverage to make you, but I was hoping that this chance occurance might lead to a successful business partnership that would be mutually beneficial."
He taps the ash from his cigarette before turning to face Ms. Starhiker, "You'll be paid twenty thousand newyen, on non-traceable certified credsticks. I know that you will need 'walking around money' as it's said, and I'm willing to give half upfront. The twenty thousand is assuming that you're able to get his research and prototype. If you are able to secure Dr. January, alive and capable of starting work at my corporation, I am willing to offer you fifty thousand newyen, divided among you three however you see fit."
The man snubs out his cigarette and dusts his hands, pausing to give you each time to talk now.