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Author Topic: The January Run  (Read 18682 times)


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Re:The January Run
« Reply #30 on: March 02, 2006, 03:13:31 PM »

"Hey! You are that chick from the stuffer shack! Did you win a tournament? you didn't seem like the video-game playing type... are we waiting for you? ya' know, if you wanted to reach me you didn't have to send a limo, we probibly live close to eachother, you could have just called..."
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Re:The January Run
« Reply #31 on: March 02, 2006, 03:35:31 PM »

"Keep your pants on." I smirk, "I didn't come here for you."
« Last Edit: March 02, 2006, 03:36:21 PM by Ruski »


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Re:The January Run
« Reply #32 on: March 02, 2006, 03:40:11 PM »

"No? " *shrug* "That's too bad. and today was going so well for me too. Oh, and I only need to remove clothing to prevent static discharge from destroying electrical equipment. I don't need to get undressed to just sit here and talk... unless you want to talk about something else... Then again, Cancer-man here, and our space-case friend seem to be waiting for someone too. "

turning to the other people at the table.

"Either of you know who we are waiting for? Did you hear anything about free T-Shirts?"
« Last Edit: March 03, 2006, 10:33:43 AM by Kid_Vid »
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Re:The January Run
« Reply #33 on: March 02, 2006, 09:21:16 PM »

The thought of killing the chatter box enters his head.  His thoughts are too scattered though and he is distracted by the thought of free t-shirts and no pants.  Looking at the girl to save me and contemplating her in no pants and tight tshirt.  Now really trying to shrug off whatever going around in my body. Those are not good thoughts to be having.  Then the mind starts to wander again as he tries to clear his head.  Those are good thoughts healthy thoughts.  But they degrade the woman in some sense.  That is not the way of Bushido and you must be punished.  But it is the way of man and she is a lovely lady who looks powerful in her own right.  Perhaps she is interested in you too young sir. His master's voice lolling through his head as he tries to keep clearing it.

Go ahead and make a final Body 8 test to clear your head. If you fail, we'll wait a moment and then you can try a Body 6 test.
The chatterbox next to you, while annoying, is giving you something to focus on... the growing headache behind your left eye.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2006, 10:25:16 AM by Kid_Vid »


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Re:The January Run
« Reply #34 on: March 03, 2006, 10:37:58 AM »

The man smoking at the table takes a final draw of his cigarette, and puts it out on the table.

"Actually, all of you came here to meet me. There was supposed to be a fourth, but he took himself out of the running." He stops to look at each of you in turn, spending the least time on the drugged-looking guy and the most time staring down Rayman, as if willing him to stop chattering.

He pulls a small remote from inside his suitcoat, and uses it to turn on a projector that plays a short series of images- those of you who were there recognize it as the interior of a Stuffer Shack. Your encounter briefly plays out, and each of you is easily recognizable from the tape. Who you assume is the fourth member was the mage with the lightning bolt spell, who actually toasted the robbers.

The man allows the video to play, and then thumbs the remote again and it shuts off. "We have evidence that each of you was involved in the distruction of our property, assault of our employees, and theft of goods." He stops to put the remote back in his pocket. "Which, with each of your unique histories, would cause quite a problem. It's hard enough getting work without a Criminal SIN."

He's taking his time pitching this to you, and you all know it. He takes a pack of cigarettes (the real ones, not those cheap soy kind) and lights it with a small steel lighter. He sets the cigarettes and lighter down on the table, and glances to the drugged-looking man to see if his head is clearing yet. When he's satisfied that it probably is, he takes a draw on his cigarette and continues. "Not that I care about any of that. If you take care of a problem for me, this video, and your involvment in this matter will dissappear."
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Re:The January Run
« Reply #35 on: March 03, 2006, 10:57:25 AM »


"How much for the fruit and water?  I would of paid but your credstick reader in the store was fried.  So what do you need a pants throwing loon, a brawler, and me to solve?  From the looks of it you have the people to do it yourself."  The though of the girl in only a tshirt goes through his head easing the headache a bit.  And she knows how to fight added bonus.  Shaking his head to clear it more to stay on subject.


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Re:The January Run
« Reply #36 on: March 03, 2006, 11:12:32 AM »

"How about instead of threatening us with $2,000 worth of misdomeners you offer us more incentive to work WITH you. " *grin*
"and I think your offer should include free T-shirts."

running the numbers in his head Raymond comes up with the total.

"$500 for unlawfull destruction of property, plus the value of the Caf-pow, machine, let's estemate that at $2,000 retail. I've got a couple of counts of shoplifting, at $200 each, and add in the full retail value of merchandice... wouldn't be able to make aggravated assault charges stick, it was clearly self defence. but you could get minor theft for the cash left on the register. all worked out with the apropriate taxes is about $5,432.12 and I'm pretty sure insurance would pick up most of that, and all I did to the Caf-Pow machine was make it better.

however, taking that as it were, $5K isn't much of a payment in this line of work that I'm pretty sure us 3AM stuffer-shack patrons are involved in. Standard Price for a run is typically closer to $10K each, for a milk run. if you took the $5K out of the 50% upfront moneys, that would still leave  $15K upfront for the three of us. (the $5K being taken out of the fourth's share... just because he didn't show dosn't mean that there's less work to do... "

Raymond looks at the other people at the table to gauge their reaction.
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Re:The January Run
« Reply #37 on: March 03, 2006, 11:23:40 AM »

(OOC I think I was writing this while Ruski was posting, so it should've been after bull's post.  Dunno if it should be removed or not. BIC)

I glare at the motormouth.  I told him to take care of the surveillence tapes.  Apparently he missed one.

Oh, well.  At least they're offering a job rather than just calling LoneStar or something.

"...So what do you need a pants throwing loon, a brawler, and me to solve?  From the looks of it you have the people to do it yourself."

I glance at the guy.  He hadn't shown up until the fight was over, so I don't know what he's capable of, but it would've been nice to have the mage around.

"Probably because it's something they don't want their own people involved in." I shrug, "That's how it usually works, anyway."

I eye the guy who'd been talking. "So, what--or who--is this problem?
« Last Edit: March 03, 2006, 11:52:30 AM by AJStarhiker »


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Re:The January Run
« Reply #38 on: March 04, 2006, 12:19:38 PM »

The man with the cigarette leans back, watching calmly as the runners offer to pay for whatever they stole, or allay any debts that the 'supposedly' owe. He finally leans forward to speak, one finger accentuating what Rayman said about making it worth your while. "You see, you're not seeing this from my perspective. We're not going to take you to small claims court in the UCAS over a couple of cans of peas, some nukeable burritos and a cafpow machine. We would prosecute you as criminals, in absentee if necessary, and make your lives all sorts of complicated. But Rayman hits an interesting point, as did Ms. Starhiker. I'm not asking you to do anything for free. I'm warning you not to screw it up."

The man takes another long drag on the cigarette, watching each of your reactions to his words. "As Ms. Starhiker so eloquently put it, our problem is a scientist for a rival corp. Mister Walter Elias January. We want his research, his notes, and if possible, him. And we are willing to pay you handsomely for this." He smiles sincerely, and nods to Rayman. "And we'll find you some free t-shirts."
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Re:The January Run
« Reply #39 on: March 04, 2006, 12:44:31 PM »

I nod.  I'm a little annoyed at being threatened with jail-time and a criminal SIN, but it is a job.  Of course, if I wanted a 'safe' job, I'd still be working security for my sister's band.

...But Rayman hits an interesting point, as did Ms. Starhiker...

I raise an eyebrow.  So they know both my real name and street name.

As the Johnson finishes speaking, I lean forward, hoping to cut off the motormouth before he can completely screw us out of getting anything, "What about any equipment or gear we need?  Will you be providing us with that, or do we get an advance to get our own supplies?"
« Last Edit: March 04, 2006, 12:46:03 PM by AJStarhiker »


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Re:The January Run
« Reply #40 on: March 04, 2006, 10:58:53 PM »

(1,4,11,13= 2 successes for body 6 check)

"So three questions first  whose the corp we be moving this poor fool from?  If I am causing animosity on one end of the spectrum I would like to know the color of it.  And second what do you want me to do on this job?  The tshirt guy over there seems a little hyped but does seem to know tech enough that he can probably crack the security around this guy.  She good enough and attractive enough to bluff her way past the living and have the hutzpah to get  him out with force if necessary.  Now you say you talked with one of my former employers which means supposedly you know what I do.  So again what's my role in this endevour?  And final question is what's the pay?  Please don't looked too shocked but you openly admitted you don't give a damn what they did in the shack.  If you did the star would of picked us up not you.  Second you said that you wanted everthing this guy is doing and the guy from a rival corp.  You didn't say however that he is aware of this.  Which means it is an unwilling extraction more than likely making things even more difficult.  Thus he has something valuaoble and thus something for which your willing to pay if necessary.  So toss out a number?"

Leaning back in my chair now that I am feeling better putting my sword on the floor leaning it against my shoulder.  I look at the gentleman across from me with a very indifferent stare and doing my best to look nonthreatening.


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Re:The January Run
« Reply #41 on: March 05, 2006, 09:33:49 AM »

"Hostile extraction; with research. you are looking at about $400,000 for the standard going rate. more if he/she is working on something big and bulky, like a prototype tank."
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Re:The January Run
« Reply #42 on: March 06, 2006, 10:31:27 AM »

I glance at Raymond.  Ok, I guess he knows more about this than I thought.  It's just not all that easy to take someone seriously when they strip down in a Stuffer Shack to mess around with a drink dispenser.


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Re:The January Run
« Reply #43 on: March 07, 2006, 12:04:47 AM »

The man with the cigarette listens to each of you in turn and then waits for his chance to speak.

"I have the research in front of me already. Although I wouldn't waste time giving it to you, because you would just consider it suspect and research it yourself anyway, I have no reason to believe that this run will be anything but a milkrun. I would do it myself, but my position means that I can't be directly involved."

He turns to the man who seems to be coming out of his delerium, answering his questions first. "I don't know the corp, only the subsidiary, one MegaFOOD Inc. They're a supplier of vending machines and drink mixers in the greater Seattle area. They do a lot of product research, but not quite AA. You can do your own research, and draw your own conclusions." He pauses to take a draw from his cigarette. "And yes, I have talked to your previous employer. Singular. They were quite happy to share the details about you, because they were eager to track you down and ... who was the older man? It doesn't matter. In any case, you, Rayman, and Miss Starhiker are here not because you're the best, not because you're the cheapest, but because we have leverage to make you do what we want, and you have skills we need."

He takes another draw on the cigarette, settling his sights on Rayman, as though done with that part of the conversation. "And four hundred thousand seems excessive, Especially considering that twenty thousand is standard for anything not involving wetwork. And seeing as how your job at McHugh's only paid you 6Y an hour, I don't see how even that would be something to scoff at."
He pauses to cough, and then continues, "I'm not suggesting that you do this for free, although we do have the leverage to make you, but I was hoping that this chance occurance might lead to a successful business partnership that would be mutually beneficial."

He taps the ash from his cigarette before turning to face Ms. Starhiker, "You'll be paid twenty thousand newyen, on non-traceable certified credsticks. I know that you will need 'walking around money' as it's said, and I'm willing to give half upfront. The twenty thousand is assuming that you're able to get his research and prototype. If you are able to secure Dr. January, alive and capable of starting work at my corporation, I am willing to offer you fifty thousand newyen, divided among you three however you see fit."

The man snubs out his cigarette and dusts his hands, pausing to give you each time to talk now.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2006, 12:14:40 AM by Kid_Vid »
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Re:The January Run
« Reply #44 on: March 07, 2006, 01:57:26 AM »

"How big is the prototype you are talking about?  I mean if it is the size of a prototype tank as he gave as example I think the price should go up.  And by the way you avoided my question again why me?  You have something on me fine I don't  really care about that.  But lets say an additional 60k if we complete it.  You know that way we keep it split nice and even and we all go walking again.  The other thing did you want specific research or every thought this guy ever had?  Cause if he anything like this guy I am pretty sure he wrote it al down somewhere.  So please be specific as to what you are requesting.  If you want the broad base again price goes up on that."

Looking around to see if the other people have any reaction to what I am saying.
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