hehehehe: funny story;
So, I'm driving my brother home from school.
we are running a bit late.
I've got to get home to go to work, and he's got to go take his DMV driver's test.
i've got a nice V8 Ford Expodition.
I weave through traffic at 80 MPH like I was driving a motorcycle.
pull up to a stop sign.
hmm... long line ahead of me to even get to the stop sign. like... eight cars.
can't wait. split decision, don't stop, just pull into the dirt on the right of the stop sign, and blow by traffic.
okay, need to take a right, in the dirt, at 70 mph.
car turns sideways.
huge dust cloud.
hmm... finally hit asphalt.
dust cloud clears.
we are in the wrong lane.
there's a semi full of heavy stuff infront of us.
okay, get into the right lane.
crap. another slow car.
back behind the semi into oncoming traffic again.
okay, passed him.
uh-oh. looks like i made someone mad. there's a white truck that's working hard to catch up to me.
well, let's see if he can hit 100
crap. he can.
well, let's see how long he can keep it up!
hmm... right on my ass.
he must realy be mad.
oh well. time to face the music. pull over.
guy flips me off and takes off.
guess he didn't want to fight after all.
oh well. get home.
brother runs to the bathroom and throws up.
mom wonders how the car gets so dirty.
I go to work.
California good driver:
no tickets, ever.
I once charmed my way out of a ticket from a female biker cop, who had me doing a burnout at 50 mph in a residential zone, right in front of her.
I once had to get my trans-am up on two wheels at 90 mph to miss hitting a cal-trans tree-trimming service that was working on a back road.
another time I took my car through some hedge like bushes and over a 2' retaining wall, 'to save some time' in getting from a parking lot onto the main street. I wasn't even in a hurry.
A co-worker actually peed his pants when i gave him a lift to his house from work.
it was one block away. and I didn't even do anything THAT crazy.
my current insurance: $40/month. full coverage, plus extras.
the world is not fair.
-RuskiFace the Pirate