Heh, so what's the drain on a touch range Ork only stun spell?
That's a joke, but I bet it's something like: (Force/2)-3
Touch stun spell is called 'Knockout' and drain is just like you guessed. If there were spell creation rules, you could probably create an ork-only version of that spell with the drain being F/2-4 or -5 probably.
No against the ork man not your hand. lol
Listen my gamemaster came up with a few house rules and other things to help compensate for what appears to be an imbalance. But he can't anticipate everything that can happen in a game. here another imbalance for you guys they took away the whole focus rules almost. the only rule that seemed to stay is you can't have more bound focuses than your charisma rating. But think about it you become almost unstoppable with like three or four of those focuses. Lets see armor, improved invisiblity, improved reflexes, and improved ability reaction. With all those it hard to hit you, hard to damage you and to top it all off you can still throw out another sustaining spell to ward off other things. The only counter to magic we have found is magic really.
Oh by the way there are some otherthings that have changed instead of being able toallocate spell defense you have to take a skill counter spelling to do it now. Thus more karma being spent.
Oh where oh where is Sr4 Magic Companion to help rectify these things. lol
The point of magic is that it's supposed to be powerful, albeit very rare. IIRC, the total percentage of the population that is magically active (those who can cast spells, those who can summon, adepts, etc.) is 0.1% In a given group of 1,000,000 people, there are 1,000 magically active people. I don't post any limitations on our group, we have 1 hermetic and 1 mystic adept. At the same time I can always throw an enemy mage into the mix to cause them problems. Also, while your group's mage 'buffs' up with sustained spells into foci, an astrally projecting mage (or even a spirit) can come along and dispel the sustained spells.
In regards to your scenario, the GM can regulate the world as he/she sees fit. If your GM wants to run a low-magic game, perhaps your group can discuss limitations as far as magic is concerned? Maybe only allow 1 magic user for the entire group?
In any case Improved Invisibility is a physical illusion spell, which is resisted by Intuition. The spell doesn't automatically work, each person who looks at the invisible person gets a chance to resist the spell with Intuition + Counterspelling. Though if they don't get more hits than the person who casted the spell they are fully affected by the illusion. Counterspelling is actually a very useful skill, I suggest your GM look into it (SR4 p. 175). Also realize that invisibility only affects vision, people can still detect an invisible person through the other senses. A sensor device with olfactory (smell) senses, or sound senses can detect an invisible person. Also, if the mage in question touches any sensitive device or steps on a pressure plate they would become detected (but still invisible). While spells are functioning on a person that person would glow brightly on the astral plane, so any astral nasties floating around could become curious also.
Just a bunch of ideas, hope they're helpful.