Okay, so we steal a car from your ex-whatever, and use that to go pick up a dead body. we'll need a picture of this guy to get some proper atire for the body, then we'll burn off anything that dosn't match with a blowtoarch. hair, eyes, fingerprints. drop the burned body in the apartment, torch the apartment, and get out with the goodies / our main man.
sound good?
what's our shopping list look like so far?
1) info on our boy, including pictures and body type.
2) info on his pad, so we'll know what security we are going up aghinst.
3) dead body that died in a fire, of aproxametly the right demensions.
4) some clothes that match our boy in question, and a blowtorch.
5) a stolen car, prefreably with a nice roomey trunk.
6) a bunch of ice. (don't wnat to body to start decomposing premeturely...)
7) gear to circumvent whatever security is in place.

a big ol' tranqu patch to subdue our target. I think hoping for him to be okay with this is a bit too optimistic.
9) ... new clothes for the party at the club afterwards.
10) uhh... if we have time, perhaps some newyen spent trying to figure out who our boss is, to make sure he dosn't double cross us, and put together a plan to make sure we get paid.
how does that sound? any additions?