I was talking about elementals, specifically. Their nature is proto-spiritual as their make up is of a distant creative plane. That is to say, they are very "basic" because they are a manifestation of building blocks for creation, while Nature spirits are the manifestation of the creation's existence. That is why there is a distinction between elementals land spirits of the elements. A mage creates a servant out of raw matter that really has little personality. What personality it has is drawn from the mage that summoned it. If that elemental goes free, it tends to emulate the nature of its summoner. This is not so for domain-based spirits whose personality is derived from psycho-sensitive properties of the mana from that which it is derived.
Elementals do not make terribly good conversationalists.
For reference: Spirits are all sapient mana-forms, this includes elementals, nature spirits, spirits of the elements, Loa, Invae (bug spirits), blood spirits, Shedim, Imps, etc.