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Re:Magic Rules
« Reply #105 on: May 23, 2006, 12:44:54 PM »

Right, the short version (I'll post some detail later, when I'm closer to my MitS), is that BloodMagic is all about Ritual Metamagic (yes, that means you have to be an Adept).
This particular trick is strictly verboten for all PC magicians, which you should probably seriously consider enforcing, unless you want some really messed up puppies for PCs.

The main element of Sacrifice metamagic is the ability to use blood (your own, or that of others) to decrease drain. You still have to check for drain, but at much lower target numbers.
Detail can be provided later, or you can look up Sacrifice Metamagic in MitS, under Magical Threats.

Blood Magicians (regardless of tradition) can also summon Blood Spirits, which are nasty. Very Nasty.
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Re:Magic Rules
« Reply #106 on: May 23, 2006, 12:53:24 PM »

How are blood spirits nasty? What makes them so nasty?

Thing is- I'm sending runners (mage included) down to San Diego, and they're going to have to tangle with some Jaguar guards and such on thier way in and out.

I would really like to know how this works, so I can throw some spirits and magic at these runners.

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Re:Magic Rules
« Reply #107 on: May 23, 2006, 01:30:57 PM »

Blood Magic requires the Sacrificing Metamagic, a secret and ill-reputed technique that while not inherently evil, is dangerous in its effects on the Astral plane. If one were to liken mana to life, and vice versa, blood magic would be exchanging lifeforce directly for magical power. The lifeforce, being a more conducive form to human grasp, is easier to manipulate and is used as a substitute for the raw mana taken from the astral plane. Blood magic makes spikes in the background count, as the "exhaust" from the spell returns to the astral plane as converted mana. This phenomenon is mentioned in Canon and one of the grandest uses of Blood Magic, the Great Ghost Dance, was responsible for a mana spike that would bring "the Enemy" into our world.

Blood magic in Shadowrun has two forms. Blood sorcery, and blood summoning. Blood Sorcery is when the magician uses life from a "donor" to reduce the effective force of the spell. For every box of damage that the magician uses from the donor, they reduce the Force rating used for the drain of that spell. This force reduction does not affect the actual spell result, just its drain. So, a spell cast at force 12, by a mage that inflicts 6 boxes of damage from the donor (including themself as the donor, if desired) can reduce the effective force for drain by 6 to 6. Normally, this kind of force spell would do physical damage, however, with the reduced force, it is now stun damage. The reduction is further increased if the target is killed and the drain force is reduced by the targets essence. To use a donor, the magician must harm a person whom is incapable of resisting, the most common way being blood letting, however this is not a requirement, as only harm must be done. Some blood magicians have been known to exhibit the ability to drain lifeforce directly without ritual blood-letting. These people often use the "killing hands" adept power to do so. However, the damage done must be done directly and in close proximity. So no guns or indirect projectiles. Blood Sorcery may be done with any other metamagic, be it ritually or quickened or even anchored.

Blood summoning is also very nasty. To blood summon, a person must be ritually sacrificed for the purpose of summoning that spirit. The force of the spirit summoned is based on the creature sacrificed. Small animals usually only summon force 1 spirits, while larger animals are 2-3. Awakened critters add +1 to the force, so a unicorn would be 4 force. Mundane sentients use their essence rating. Magic users use their magic rating to determine the force. So a Magic 10 mage being sacrificed to summon a Blood spirit would be very, very nasty indeed. Blood spirits are summoned in ritual, taking force hours to summon.  Once that is complete, a conjuring test is rolled as per an elemental, against the force with a drain as per a normal spirit. Each success gives one service, so 3 successes = 3 services. Greater form blood spirits may only be summoned if the sacrificed is a powerful awakened critter (a dragon) or an initiate. Use invoking as normal. The spirit's form is usually as a bloody mist cloud, like a blood elemental if you will, or occasionally in other forms. Some powerful spirits are known to take the form of the sacrificed, however twisted and gruesome.

The spirit must stay within force x 100 meters of sentient beings cannot leave this range. Blood spirits lose 1 point of essence per day, and a such, must use the essence drain power to replenish themselves. Greater form blood spirits have the Engulf power, allowing them to drown their target in blood, treat that as a water engulf. Blood spirits can go free, and in doing so, only lose 1 point of essence per week, instead of per day.

There are other more obscure forms of blood magic. Some speculate that the nature of cyberware itself is a form of blood magic. A ritual known as a blood oath, can be sworn that will bond the parties involved in a contract that if broken, releases a curse upon those who break the contract. This can be likened to a materially linked anchored ritual spell. If the condition of the quickened spell is broken, the anchored spell is released through the material link to the target. Since blood is spent in this manner, the box of physical damage used in this ritual does not heal which keeps the spell anchored until the Oath is fufilled.

Ancient forms of blood magic included magical items that activated spells and effects through the use of the owner's own blood. These magics have never been discovered in the scope of the Shadowrun campaign, however.
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Re:Magic Rules
« Reply #108 on: May 24, 2006, 12:34:11 AM »

Retread: You're mixing Earthdawn and Shadowrun again.
Please atleast tell people when you do that.

Also, that looks like the 2nd edition description of bloodmagic.
It's still basically correct, except for afew details here and there.

A) When you kill a target, you gain not their Essence, but only half-Essence (rounded down).
B) Bloodletting is a requirement. If you just use the sacrifice geas, it is satisfied with bare hands or a personal weapon (no spells or ranged weapons), but to use Blood Magic to resist drain, a physical wound must be inflicted, symbolism requiring a melee weapon (traditionally a nife or dagger, but a dikoted katana will do just dandy).
The initiate may make a melee combat skill check against the restrained target as party of the spell casting action. T# is 2, because of the restraints. This means you can't always depend on how much you get, though the aforementioned dikoted katana does have promise. Also note that the magic only cares about boxes of damage, so there are perfectly sound reasons fot spending the blood of that petite temp-sec, instead of the big bad orc 'runner that your guards just captured. Especially since she's likely to have more Essence left.
C) This method for reducing drain can be used for any Magical skill test.
Yes, including summoning. So yes, you can take the head of that petite little uncybered temp-sec (10 boxes + 3 for half-Essence) and Summon a Force 13 spirit, at no drain.
You still have to roll a 13 or better on the summoning roll to get ay favours though.
D) While drain reduction requires a sentient victem, summoning a blood spirit deos not.
It just limits the Force of the spirit:
Small Animal (small dog or rat)                        1
Medium animal (real dog, smallish 'big cat')     2
Large Animal (horse, tiger)                              3
Mundane Setient                                             Essence
Awakened Sentient                                         Magic
(Awakened Animals are good for a +1)
If you want to summon a Great Form blood spirit, it requires the sacrifice of an initiate, or equivalent Sentient monster (like a dragon).

Blood Spirits have the powers of Engulf, Essence Drain, Fear, Guard, Materialization and Noxious Breath, but suffer from Essence (actually Force) Loss, at a rate of 1 per day.

(Yes, I know Retread got most of this right, but it's not good to start out saying that you must sacrifice a person, and then specify that you can use animals as well.)
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Re:Magic Rules
« Reply #109 on: May 24, 2006, 09:22:06 AM »

Very cool- so, how can I work blood magic into a story? When would runners come across it (My runners are doing the 2055 timeline, so I can teach them all of the history of Shadowrun)

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Re:Magic Rules
« Reply #110 on: May 24, 2006, 11:19:06 AM »

Eh, you said something about a run into Aztlan, that seems like the perfect time to educate them on the use of blood magic...

Notably, the Blood Oath option was mentioned in Canon as what the Great Dragon Lung used to assure the loyalty of his subordinates in the Triads.

I also did mention Earthdawn, but I noted that those forms of Blood Magic were ancient secrets lost forever ago and have not since emerged in the Shadowrun Campaign. I didn't specifically mention the name Earthdawn, but that doesn't mean I meant to say you should use that form of blood magic, or even describe rules for how that magic is used.

Kid, Blood Magic is dangerous, because that power WILL go to a player's head. Trust me, I gave a player the Sacrifice geas and he turned into a murderer like that.

Additionally, I don't see why you must draw blood, you must simply harm the victim in some fashion. The loss of lifeforce is what drives the magic, not the blood. The same as how a wendigo must eat in a cannibalistic feast to feed off of essence. The act is just an emotional bond between the donor and the magician. You could use a laser scalpel, or simply beat your target into unconciousness with a baseball bat and continue to do so to fuel the magic, if you really wanted. Which implies that using the Killing Hands technique without using Distance Strike would achieve the same result as strangling an unconcious person to death or near death.

This brings up an interesting question, can an adept kill themselves with Killing Hands?
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Re:Magic Rules
« Reply #111 on: May 24, 2006, 02:43:17 PM »

Additionally, I don't see why you must draw blood, you must simply harm the victim in some fashion.

The melee weapon (when used against drain) is an explicit requirement according to MitS.
Furthermore, blood's sort of the point of the whole thng, neh?
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Re:Magic Rules
« Reply #112 on: May 24, 2006, 04:04:22 PM »

Yes and no, if you ask an old great dragon what they think about blood magic, what will they say?

"I think Death Magic is abhorrent, however, Life Magic has it's uses."

Blood Magic is the Magic of Life and Death, the use of life for the purpose of magic. Blood spirits are pure evil because they are Death Magic given form, they require death in order to exist. Sacrifice for the purpose of spell-casting, especially on the part of the caster to enact a greater good (such as the rituals used to regrow the rainforest in Amazonia) is called Life Magic. The use of Life as the direct force of mana (because our auras are made of mana, mind you) needs only the requirement of taking life from the "donor." The act of bloodshed is not necessarily a requirement only direct contact with lifeforce involved.

To posit a question to you ROOTless, if a blood mage were to engage an astral form of a magician, could that blood mage kill the magician in astral combat and use that magician's lifeforce to cast a spell, summon a spirit, et al? After all, the wounds in astral space manifest upon the body of the summoner, would it matter if those wounds were burns, cuts, or broken bones? The weapon that the blood mage would use would be merely an extension of his unconciousness and could be a katana, a giant hammer, even her astral form's venomous teeth.

Are my bare hands not my closest available melee weapon? What rules due bare hands use? Melee combat rules.
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Re:Magic Rules
« Reply #113 on: May 24, 2006, 04:18:41 PM »

To posit a question to you ROOTless, if a blood mage were to engage an astral form of a magician, could that blood mage kill the magician in astral combat and use that magician's lifeforce to cast a spell, summon a spirit, et al? After all, the wounds in astral space manifest upon the body of the summoner, would it matter if those wounds were burns, cuts, or broken bones? The weapon that the blood mage would use would be merely an extension of his unconciousness and could be a katana, a giant hammer, even her astral form's venomous teeth.

Are my bare hands not my closest available melee weapon? What rules do bare hands use? Melee combat rules.

Perhaps surprisingly, no, bare hads are usually not considered melee weapons. It's called unarmed combat, even though it uses melee combat rules.  (A funny contradiction of terms, since the word melee comes from a root meaning 'confusion' or something very similar.)
Though ofcourse yes, your point of view could be argued, it is not a garanteed win.

And as for your question, I agree that this particular situation is not covered. Mind you, it is made explicit that the victim must be defenceless (yes, I now the wording mentions restraints, but refuse to consider a magician able to astrally project and carry on the fight in the astral 'restrained', even if he's tied up like an x-mas hog.) Ofcourse, should someone find a nice way to restrain an astral form, that's be a very interesting sight.
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Re:Magic Rules
« Reply #114 on: May 24, 2006, 04:41:15 PM »

It's called, Mana-Bind, a spell. Additionally, what if the subject were voluntary? Say a mundane using the free-spirit power of Astral Gateway? How about the magician himself? Can someone commit suicide in Astral space? Seems like it would be easy enough.

Look at the Contest-of-Wills ability to fight spirits. Your weapon has little effect on attacking the spirit. Simply coming in contact with the spirit's aura is enough for a willpower connection. The same thing Sacrificing metamagic.

If blood magic were really about the blood, then you'd see the azzies going and raiding the Red Cross or cloning blood cells in a lab to create enough to use in the rituals. The blood is not the catalyst, the life is, and in taking the life, you create the emotional connection to use that life to channel mana. It doesn't matter if you stab the subject with a knife, sever their head with a monowire, bash their skull in with a rock, or simply throttle them with your bare hands, their death is what fuels the magic not the blood.

Blood Magic is a misnomer derived from the nature of the first Sixth World view of Sacrificing metamagic, which is the Aztlan use. It wasn't until later that it was discovered that the first actual use of Sacrificing metamagic was during the Great Ghost Dance. The effect was probably not as the Aztecs would have it, but perhaps through extreme asceticism, like starvation or dehydration in a sweat lodge (the ritual was days long, after all), ritual burning, but never bloodletting. Many died in the process of the Great Ghost Dance, yet not all of them died of blood-loss. Once again, the only reason it is called Blood Magic, is because the Aztec rituals first witnessed by the majority of the Sixth world were gruesome and bloody.
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Re:Magic Rules
« Reply #115 on: May 24, 2006, 09:38:35 PM »

So... how would I go about introducing blood magic? Should I have a blood-magic specific plot? I'm lucky about magic users, in that I have two, one aspected spellcaster, and another gator shaman, neither of which (I hope) is going to want to learn sacrificing metamagic. After this run against Aztlan, neither of them would be able to, even if they wanted!

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Re:Magic Rules
« Reply #116 on: May 24, 2006, 09:44:12 PM »

Well, they might run into them during that shadowrun, however, if they don't then they might never. Sacrificing metamagic is pretty rare. If you REALLY want to you can use Ordo Maximus as a springboard for that. Ordo Maximus is an initiatory group of Vampires and Nosferatu primarily stationed in New Orleans. Some of them are known to dabble in that form of magic. Of course, I doubt your PCs are ready for Vampiric Blood Mages.

You could have the PCs get caught during their Aztlan run or even better, have the character's offered their way into and out of Aztlan by the Jesuit brotherhood, however their mission is to capture/assassinate a Blood Shaman or they're on their own.
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Re:Magic Rules
« Reply #117 on: May 25, 2006, 09:23:04 AM »

Well, I'm thinking that an interesting endgame (the end of the run) would involve the runners making it back to CalFree, more or less intact. The Johnson who hired them paid them beforehand, and promised another job afterwards.

So they show up at the bar where they met Mr. Johnson, and when they get there, there's a group of Leopard guards (making it two teams of leopard guards that they're going to have to tangle with) and a blood mage, who is going to have 2 force 3 blood spirits guarding him, and takes no drain, making him a pretty formidible mage.

Okay, that being said, what are the stats for a blood spirit? Same as other spirits?
Anything I should add or change to make them nastier?

« Last Edit: May 25, 2006, 09:23:38 AM by Kid_Vid »
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Re:Magic Rules
« Reply #118 on: May 25, 2006, 01:15:37 PM »

The stats should be listed in MitS.

I believe it's B: F+1 Q: (F+2)x3 S: F-2, C W I: F E: F/A R: F+1. Init: F+1 +10 +1d6 or (20+1d6 if astral) Attacks are STR (M). Essence Drain, Fear, Guard, Materialization, Noxious Breath. Weaknesses are Essence Loss.

The blood mage really shouldn't have zero drain. He should probably use any dying leopard guards that the runners kill as "ammo" for some high force spells.
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Re:Magic Rules
« Reply #119 on: May 25, 2006, 02:10:36 PM »

So if a leopard guard gets injured, the mage will 'sacrifice' him to cast a big spell?
That should work okay.

How does the essence drain ability work?

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